Bilan d’Avril 2021
Posted By /*php the_author_posts_link(); */?>Svet Mori le 5 mai 2021
Hello hello ! Qui dit nouveau mois, dit nouveau bilan. D’autant que comme vous le savez probablement si vous passez régulièrement ou côtoyez des auteurs, Avril marque le retour du NaNoWriMo… et je n’ai jamais caché que celui-ci était mon préféré.
Bon. On va pas se mentir, cette année c’est : compliqué, et j’explique pourquoi => ici <. Bref, pour faire court, je ne suis pas en bon état.
Ceci dit, j'ai tout de même aligné un peu plus de 10000 mots sur ce nouveau projet ce mois-ci (au lieu des 8000 escomptés), difficilement certes, mais ce qui est pris est pris.
A ce stade j'écris parfois 50 mots dans la journée (et pas tous les jours) mais peu importe.
Et pour ce qui est des autres livres alors, ceux en chantier depuis un bail ? Comme l'explique l'article : c'est compliqué. Les choses ont changé, n'ont pas fini de changer, je manque encore de recul pour savoir comment gérer ça. Ce qui est certain : je n'abandonnerai pas Black Phoenix. Les autres ? Le reste ? Quand ? Comment ? Je ne sais pas. Pas encore.
Mis à part ça j’ai pas mal de photos de cerisier qui attendent sur mon disque dur MAIS comme je suis naze, je ne sais pas quand je pourrai m’en occuper. Encore.
Sinon j’ai semble-t-il chopé un autre virus beaucoup plus sympathique, celui de l’astronomie. Bon, quand tu vis en ville t’en chies un peu, pour le moment le truc le plus ouf que j’ai réussi à voir c’est l’amas de la crèche (et c’est déjà vachement sympa, ça se voit expo plein ouest vers 23h sans souci en ce moment, si jamais. A la verticale de Procyon, et un peu en haut à gauche de Pollux).
Avec 11 lectures, j’ai réussi à garder ma vitesse de croisière… surtout parce qu’aucun de ces livres ne dépasse les 200 pages ! Avec un jeunesse très court et un manga dans le lot, en plus…
Il me reste UN Harlequin vintage à lire, je termine mon SP en cours et je l’attaque, ça devrait redevenir un peu plus varié à partir du moins prochain ^^
Que retenir ce mois-ci ? La voyage de Petit escargot est une vraie bouffée d’air frais, sinon, Etrange héritage permet de voyager en Autriche sans quitter son plumard.
Attention tout de même, quelques mauvaises pioches se sont glissées dans le reste…
Cyclone à Tahiti
Dans le jardin chinois
Enigme à Glenroden
Etrange héritage
Le voyage de Petit Escargot (voir ci-dessous)
Quand l’amour tremble
🔞 Sensations (manga) (pour adultes)
Sept fontaines dans un jardin
Une belle pour un hors-la-loi (voir ci-dessous)
Une journée au paradis (voir ci-dessous)
Avec seulement 9 petits points, on ne peut pas dire que le défi PKJ soit un succès…
J’ai reçu le fameux colis de l’enfer avec les sorties Harlequin de fin Décembre à Avril, plus un craquage et des gratuits. Ça va être long. Beaucoup de romance, du polar, des anthologies SFFF mais aussi de la non-fiction et un artbook. C’est la fête.
En fin de mois, sur une impulsion, j’ai finalement décidé de choper les quelques tomes qui me manquaient pour finir la série, pas bien longue.
Ceux-ci se trouvent très facilement en occasion pour trois fois rien.
Bon, j’ai déjà lu le 5 et le 2 (dans cet ordre), je pense relire la série comme-il-faut le moment venu.
Zafira is the Hunter, disguising herself as a man when she braves the cursed forest of the Arz to feed her people. Nasir is the Prince of Death, assassinating those foolish enough to defy his autocratic father, the sultan. If Zafira was exposed as a girl, all of her achievements would be rejected ; if Nasir displayed his compassion, his father would punish him in the most brutal of ways. Both Zafira and Nasir are legends in the kingdom of Arawiya ― but neither wants to be.
War is brewing, and the Arz sweeps closer with each passing day, engulfing the land in shadow. When Zafira embarks on a quest to uncover a lost artifact that can restore magic to her suffering world and stop the Arz, Nasir is sent by the sultan on a similar mission : retrieve the artifact and kill the Hunter. But an ancient evil stirs as their journey unfolds ― and the prize they seek may pose a threat greater than either can imagine.
Bon en vrai, j’aurais pas dû et encore moins en hardback, ça coûte une blinde, ça prend une place monstrueuse… Mais c’était tellement tentant.
A very real attraction !
In order to claim her inheritance, Ava Casseveti’s late father requested she make amends with Liam Rourke — his business rival’s son. Gorgeous CEO Liam doesn’t want her money… but he does need a stand-in girlfriend ! Yet as they embark on a “romantic trip” to Italy, the lines soon begin to blur. And walking away from their fake relationship is harder than they planned…
Enemies-to-lovers + fake dating, avec une histoire d’héritage par dessus. Difficile d’y résister !
And the most gossiped-about lady…
After years as a diplomat in the Napoleonic Wars, Lord Eastwood is reluctant to return to London society. His scandalous divorce has made him infamous, not to mention cantankerous! To halt the rumor mill, he should marry a quiet noblewoman — instead it’s bold, vibrant artist Faith Brookes who’s caught his attention. They are the least suitable match, so why is he like a moth to a flame ?
Allez, encore une série histo sur fond de scandale ^^
Nichole is on a losing streak with men. Her ex-boyfriend won’t stay gone, a competitor is out to ruin her business and even her rescue pup, Rambo, is refusing to get in line. A chance run-in with a navy SEAL turned canine companion trainer might solve the dog problem. The fact Jack is easy on the eyes doesn’t hurt, either.
But when Nichole feels like she’s being watched, Jack is the only person she can turn to. He’s a protector and problem solver by nature and training. Accepting his protection is one thing — Nichole didn’t count on falling in love.
Le tome 3 étant prévu pour Janvier, et rien ne précisant qu’il s’agira du dernier, je m’attends à ce que ce soit LONG.
Is suddenly a duke’s heir !
Miss Jocelyn Sudderfeld is working at Edge Hall, indulging her love of translating ancient texts with her librarian father — and evading the need to marry ! She’s always enjoyed a teasing friendship with estate manager Mr. Alex Cheverton. Until he unexpectedly becomes the duke’s heir. Now his first duty is to marry a suitable debutante, not consort with an earnest bluestocking like her… So where does that leave their friendship ?
Vous auriez résisté à ce résumé vous ?
A stranger will steal his heart
Test pilot Jake Bishop keeps his secrets safe, along with his heart. So he’s taken aback when his solitary Christmas at a Wyoming ranch is interrupted by oh-so-determined Liberty Connor. Despite his best efforts, the charming redhead is unraveling all his defenses. Now Jake’s in big trouble. Because even wishing on a Christmas moon won’t save him from falling for a woman who’s engaged to another man…
FINALLY. Pour la petite histoire, il s’agit d’une sortie de Décembre qu’Amazon Fr n’avait pas pu me procurer. Puis Harlequin US m’avait fait le coup du sold out, me contraignant à le récupérer sur Amazon US. Au final, il m’aura fallu quatre mois pour mettre la main dessus.
Where wishes come true !
Money, favors, time — everyone wants something from tech CEO Seth Reagan. Returning to his family’s Wyoming ranch to care for his foster father, Seth sends a woman’s car careening off the road. He offers Quinn Lake a place to stay, but learning who she is and what she wants might just break his faith for good… Unless a wishing moon and a child in need can thaw their guarded hearts.
… du coup entretemps le tome 2 est sorti.
A connection built to last ?
Skye Soames’s search for her family’s long-lost diamonds leads her to Benoit Chalendar’s mansion in the Costa Rican rain forest. The billionaire offers to help her find the diamonds — if she agrees to marry him ! To remain CEO of his company, he must look like he’s settling down.
For Benoit, watching prim and proper Skye discover her adventurous side among the wildlife and waterfalls is an unexpected thrill. It only fans the flames of their potent attraction. But can their pact survive the test when they return to reality ?
Il s’agira d’une trilogie !
… to forever ?
When her usually shy foster pup, Daisy, befriends gorgeous billionaire Josh Taylor, bridal designer Eloise Evans is just as smitten. Quickly, coffee turns to dinner, turns to… Josh as her fake fiancé ? With a bridezilla trying to destroy Eloise’s business, Josh offers to help. But pretend kisses soon lead to real passion and these two commitmentphobes start wondering — what if they do want the fairy tale after all ?
J’adore les histoires de wedding planner &co. Ajoutez-un un doggo…
is a deadly game.
When cold case podcast host Georgia Maxwell’s investigation into her friend’s decade-old murder unveils corruption in small-town football, she’s thrust into a deadly conspiracy. And it’s put her on the radar of Colt McCoy — cold case unit chief and her high school sweetheart — who wants her help solving the crime. But every clue brings them one step closer to someone who will kill to keep the truth hidden…
Avec au moins deux autres tomes de prévus, j’ignore encore où on va, mais on y va.
turns into a fight for their lives.
Sent to find a wedding party that disappeared during a hike, Alaskan state trooper Hunter McCord and his K-9 partner, Juneau, discover bridesmaid Ariel Potter hanging from a cliff. But this was no accident — she was pushed — and her hiking companions are missing. Now it’s up to Hunter and Juneau to find them… and make sure whoever wants Ariel dead doesn’t finish the job.
Et c’est parti pour la grande série « brigade canine » de cette année.
wants what she shouldn’t have.
The owner of Hannah’s new label — the man in charge of her career — is way too hot. So hot he’s all she can think about… So to put distance between them, she poses as her quieter twin sister. That should keep temptation away…
Except Will Sutherland doesn’t play games. He wants the real Hannah — in his studio and in his bed — as long as what’s between them stays their secret. But when an old rival uncovers the truth, Will must choose between playing the press or playing for keeps…
Ce sera une tétralogie (quatre tomes).
needs his protection…
After she spent years in hiding, turning to mounted police officer Mason Reed for protection is the last thing Tessa Vitale thought she’d do — until her mafia family tracks her down. With her brother planning to kidnap her daughter and kill Tessa, her little girl’s secret father is their only hope. But can the man she left behind put their past aside to save their daughter ?
C’est bien évidemment le mot « mafia » qui m’a fait cliquer.
Repéré lors de la dernière opération Masse Critique, j’ai préféré la couverture du poche.
Pour s’être approché un peu trop près du monde des yakuzas, le jeune lieutenant Hioka a été mis sur la touche par sa hiérarchie. Nostalgique de ses enquêtes trépidantes de jadis, il végète dans un village, au fond d’une vallée montagneuse bordée de rizières.
De retour à Hiroshima pour les funérailles d’un oncle, il passe saluer Akiko, la mama-san du modeste bar-restaurant Les Petits Plats de Shino. À cette occasion, il tombe nez à nez avec Hirô Kunimitsu, dit « le chien enragé », recherché par toutes les polices du pays pour avoir organisé l’assassinat d’un important chef yakuza. Les deux hommes passent un contrat : le policier n’arrêtera le truand que lorsque celui-ci aura mis de l’ordre dans ses affaires.
Hioka reprend sa vie paisible. Un notable du coin voit en lui un gendre idéal et ne cesse de lui vanter les mérites de sa fille, Shôko. Parallèlement, le policier constate que le chantier d’un golf, interrompu depuis des années, a repris. Un soir, il voit débarquer Kunimitsu qui se présente sous un faux nom et se déclare responsable des travaux. Hioka se jure d’en savoir plus. D’autant que les agissements de Kunimitsu lui semblent liés à ces rumeurs d’une nouvelle et imminente guerre des gangs. L’enjeu n’est autre que la prise du pouvoir au sein de la plus importante association criminelle de la région, la fédération Jinsei.
C’est une trilogie mais chaque volume peut se suffire à lui-même. Cette fois, je n’ai pas voulu attendre, étant particulièrement fan de l’aspect du grand format.
Sur surnom, le Requin de Shinjuku, lui vient-il du simple fait que same signifie « requin » ? Pas sûr. Sa haine des yakuzas et son constat que les autorités de son pays sont trop tolérantes avec eux le poussent à utiliser des procédés musclés que sa hiérarchie fait mine d’ignorer. La seule personne en qui il a confiance est Shô, sa petite amie, une talentueuse rockeuse de 22 ans, qu’il aide parfois à écrire ses chansons.
Lorsque deux gardiens de la paix sont tués en pleine rue par un inconnu muni d’une mystérieuse arme relevant de la prouesse technique, Samejima y voit le style d’un armurier qu’il a déjà arrêté par le passé.
Bientôt, d’autres policiers sont abattus. Samejima est face à un choix. Intégrer le QG d’enquête ou appliquer ses propres méthodes.
Lui aussi repéré dans la liste Masse Critique.
If Linh Mai had to describe herself, she’d say she was a firecracker. Stable when unlit, but full of potential for joy and fire. She loves art and dreams pursuing a career in it. The only problem ? Her parents rely on her in ways they’re not willing to admit, including working practically full-time at her family’s pho restaurant.
For years, the Mais and the Nguyens have been at odds, having owned competing, neighboring pho restaurants. Bao and Linh, who’ve avoided each other for most of their lives, both suspect that the feud stems from feelings much deeper than friendly competition.
But then a chance encounter brings Linh and Bao in the same vicinity despite their best efforts and sparks fly, leading them both to wonder what took so long for them to connect. But then, of course, they immediately remember.
Can Linh and Bao find love in the midst of feuding families and complicated histories ?
Je le voulais depuis que le résumé avait poppé ! Mais comme Amazon Fr ne m’a pas envoyé l’exemplaire commandé, j’ai dû le prendre sur US et ça a traîné.
Alors oui, JE SAIS que le truc est blindé d’erreurs et de biais. Je suis au courant, j’ai lu les avis des concernés sur le sujet, donc je sais à quoi m’attendre. Après si on y vient pas pour le réalisme ça reste une bonne histoire et j’avais envie de la découvrir depuis longtemps.
Problème : je voulais une édition précise du bouquin, celle-ci. La traque n’a pas été sans mal mais j’ai enfin mis la main dessus, en vrai « très bon état » qui plus est.
Some people might dream of inheriting a hotel somewhere as picturesque as Buckhorn, Montana. To Casey Crenshaw, though, her late grandmother’s property is a white elephant to be sold as quickly as possible. The place has been boarded up for years, and locals have murmured about ghost sightings ever since a young woman was murdered there. But it’s not the imaginary ghosts that worry Casey — it’s the flesh-and-blood man who’s throwing a wrench into all her plans.
Finn James intends to find out what really happened at the hotel years ago. Not even the capable, highly independent redhead who owns it will stop him. But though the quest draws Finn and Casey together, digging into the past is dangerous, especially when there are others determined to keep the truth hidden — by any means necessary…
Bon s’il y a une vieille baraque dans l’histoire, vous pouvez être à peu près sûrs que j’achète.
FATIMA LIVES IN THE CITY OF NOOR, a thriving stop along the Silk Road. There the music of myriad languages fills the air, and people of all faiths weave their lives together. However, the city bears scars of its recent past, when the chaotic tribe of Shayateen djinn slaughtered its entire population – except for Fatima and two other humans. Now ruled by a new maharajah, Noor is protected from the Shayateen by the Ifrit, djinn of order and reason, and by their commander, Zulfikar.
But when one of the most potent of the Ifrit dies, Fatima is changed in ways she cannot fathom, ways that scare even those who love her. Oud in hand, Fatima is drawn into the intrigues of the maharajah and his sister, the affairs of Zulfikar and the djinn, and the dangers of a magical battlefield.
On dit merci à la critique d’AuriAma qui me l’a fait découvrir et aussitôt rajouter à ma commande US.
Moving to eclectic New Hope, Pennsylvania, and running The Beautiful Things Shoppe is a dream come true for elegant and reserved fine arts dealer Prescott J. Henderson. He never agreed to share the space with Danny Roman, an easygoing extrovert who collects retro toys and colorful knickknacks.
And yet here they are, trapped together in the quaint shop as they scramble to open in time for New Hope’s charming Winter Festival.
Danny has spent years leading with his heart instead of his head. The Beautiful Things Shoppe is his chance to ground himself and build something permanent and joyful. The last thing he needs is an uptight snob who doesn’t appreciate his whimsy occupying half his shop.
It’s only when two of New Hope’s historic landmarks — each as different as Danny and Prescott — are threatened that a tentative alliance forms. And with it, the first blush of romance. Suddenly, running The Beautiful Things Shoppe together doesn’t seem so bad… until Danny’s secret threatens to ruin it all.
Ah le coup des opposés qui s’attirent ♥
Cast into a well at birth for being one of the magical few who can manipulate memories when people sing, she was saved by Cyril, the opera house’s owner. Since that day, he has given her sanctuary from the murderous world outside. All he asks in return is that she use her power to keep ticket sales high — and that she stay out of sight. For if anyone discovers she survived, Isda and Cyril would pay with their lives.
But Isda breaks Cyril’s cardinal rule when she meets Emeric Rodin, a charming boy who throws her quiet, solitary life out of balance. His voice is unlike any she’s ever heard, but the real shock comes when she finds in his memories hints of a way to finally break free of her gilded prison.
Haunted by this possibility, Isda spends more and more time with Emeric, searching for answers in his music and his past. But the price of freedom is steeper than Isda could ever know. For even as she struggles with her growing feelings for Emeric, she learns that in order to take charge of her own destiny, she must become the monster the world tried to drown in the first place.
Merci au coupon d’Harlequin US pour mon anniv, qui m’a permis de carrément ne *pas* le payer.
… by keeping your distance
Paramedic Poppy is back in Sydney. Her first stop ? Bondi Beach’s surf and sand ! There’s just the small matter of bumping into the bay’s newest elite lifeguard — Ryder Evans, her first love, who was forced to move away… taking a piece of Poppy’s heart with him. If she wants him back, she must be bold enough to let gorgeous Ryder show her what she’s been missing.
Alors je le mets comme tome 1 mais en vrai on a 0 info sur la suite, donc j’ignore si je la prendrai ou pas. Dans le cas contraire, il sera déplacé dans la rubrique « one-shots ».
When his neighbor — and suspect — Macey Price is attacked and nearly kidnapped, army operative Trey Blackburn comes to her rescue. But this new development throws a wrench in his undercover assignment to surveil and befriend Macey. Is she a traitor selling government secrets… or is she being framed ? The rules no longer apply, because in one night his mission changes — from proving her guilt to saving her life.
Franchement là comme ça, on ne dirait pas du tout une romance. ^^
The Cowboy’s Convenient Proposal
Grace “Red” Henderson wants to put her tarnished past behind her. But trust is the one thing she’ll never give to any man again — not even the cowboy who rescued her. Ward Walker longs to protect Red and her little sister. But turning his practical proposal into a real marriage means a leap of faith for them both…
Claiming the Cowboy’s Heart
After witnessing her fiancé’s murder, Jayne Gardiner won’t be caught on the wrong side of a gun again. But a disastrous first lesson in self-defense has left her with a wounded cowboy. Duty may call him home, but Seth Collins can’t resist staying in Eden Valley to teach the English beauty to shoot. And when a shadowy figure from Jayne’s past resurfaces, Seth’s urge to protect her has nothing to do with duty.
Les romances histo avec des cowboys ont souvent l’air cool…
With a secret someone wants to bury.
With a hit out on her life, Samantha Herndon escapes to the one place she knows she’ll be safe — her Amish grandmother’s empty home. But when a tornado flings her car into Micah King’s field, her plans for solitary refuge end. The Amish bachelor knows the Englischer is trouble, but he’s falling for her anyway. Can Micah keep Samantha alive… and convince her to stay ?
Groom Wanted
Best friends Leah Bowen and Jake Lure arrange to advertise for mail-order spouses — Jake will help select Leah’s groom, while Leah picks Jake’s bride-to-be! Surely they’ll each find their perfect match : a wife to appreciate Jake’s shy charm and a groom to take Leah away from the Idaho Territory she detests. But the closer they each get to the altar, the less appealing marrying a stranger becomes.
A Texas-Made Match
For Ellie O’Brien, finding the perfect partner is easy — as long as it’s for other people. Now the townsfolk of Peppin want to return the favor. But how could Lawson Williams be the right choice ? The handsome ranch foreman was her childhood friend, but he’s the man Ellie deems least likely to court a tomboy with a guilty secret.
Du friends-to-lovers histo, c’était forcément tentant.
Heartland Courtship
Quaker Rachel Woolsey’s plans to have her own bakery and homestead seem out of reach — until the handsome ex-soldier she nurses back to health offers to help her. At first, Brennan Merriday intends to stay in Pepin, Wisconsin, only long enough to repay his debt to the pretty baker. But soon he longs to rescue dreams of family — for both of them.
Homefront Hero
Dashing and valiantly wounded, Captain John Gallows could have stepped straight out of an army recruitment poster. Leanne Sample can’t help being impressed — although the lovely Red Cross nurse tries to hide it. She knows as soon as he’s well enough, he’ll rush back to war — and far away from South Carolina. But when an epidemic strikes close to home, John comes to realize what it truly means to be a hero — Leanne’s hero.
Romance médicale x histo, ça se découvre !
Most debutantes dream of finding a husband. Lady Pandora Ravenel has different plans. The ambitious young beauty would much rather stay at home and plot out her new board game business than take part in the London Season. But one night at a glittering society ball, she’s ensnared in a scandal with a wickedly handsome stranger.
A cynical rake…
After years of evading marital traps with ease, Gabriel, Lord St. Vincent, has finally been caught by a rebellious girl who couldn’t be less suitable. In fact, she wants nothing to do with him. But Gabriel finds the high-spirited Pandora irresistible. He’ll do whatever it takes to possess her, even if their marriage of convenience turns out to be the devil’s own bargain.
A perilous plot…
After succumbing to Gabriel’s skilled and sensuous persuasion, Pandora agrees to become his bride. But soon she discovers that her entrepreneurial endeavors have accidentally involved her in a dangerous conspiracy — and only her husband can keep her safe. As Gabriel protects her from their unknown adversaries, they realize their devil’s bargain may just turn out to be a match made in heaven…
On va pas se mentir : la couverture n’est absolument pas étrangère au craquage.
Adjusting to life in peacetime isn’t easy for Major Duncan McCameron. Escorting a lady on her journey north seems like the perfect chance to give him some much-needed purpose. That is, until he learns the woman in question is the beautiful, bold, reckless Lady Farris. She makes his head spin and being alone together will surely end in disaster.
Beatrice, the Dowager Countess of Farris, is finally free of a stifling marriage and she has no plans to shackle herself to any other man. Ready to live life to the fullest, she’s headed to a week-long bacchanal and the journey should be half the fun. Except she’s confined to a carriage with a young, rule-abiding, irritatingly handsome Scottish soldier who wouldn’t know a good time if it landed in his lap. But maybe a madcap escapade will loosen him up…
Between carriage crashes, secret barn dances, robbers, and an inn with only one bed, their initial tension dissolves into a passion that neither expected. But is there a future for an adventure-loving lady and a duty-bound soldier, or will their differences tear them apart ?
C’est surtout la dernière partie du résumé qui donne envie hein xD
Dr. Garrett Gibson, the only female physician in England, is as daring and independent as any man — why not take her pleasures like one ? Yet she has never been tempted to embark on an affair, until now. Ethan Ransom, a former detective for Scotland Yard, is as gallant as he is secretive, a rumored assassin whose true loyalties are a mystery. For one exhilarating night, they give in to their potent attraction before becoming strangers again.
A man who breaks every rule
As a Ravenel by-blow spurned by his father, Ethan has little interest in polite society, yet he is captivated by the bold and beautiful Garrett. Despite their vow to resist each other after that sublime night, she is soon drawn into his most dangerous assignment yet. When the mission goes wrong, it will take all of Garrett’s skill and courage to save him. As they face the menace of a treacherous government plot, Ethan is willing to take any risk for the love of the most extraordinary woman he’s ever known.
Rocky Mountain Dreams
The last thing Joseph Stone expects to discover upon arriving in Leadville, Colorado, is a newfound little sister. Hoping to find his late father’s silver mine and keep his siblings back home out of an orphanage, Joseph needs an ally. Annabelle Lassiter agrees to care for the little girl. But Joseph’s quest for silver could cost them a more precious dream — one of family, love and new beginnings.
Family on the Range
A ranch in the Oregon desert gives Mary O’Roarke the solace she craves. Concealing her growing feelings for her boss, government agent Lou Riley, is a small price to pay. When an abandoned little girl is placed in Mary’s care, it’s a reminder for Lou of his own loss. But if Mary won’t give up on young Josie — not even when danger approaches — then Lou can’t give up on this unlikely family.
C’est surtout la première histoire qui m’a fait craquer, mais la seconde sera peut-être une bonne surprise ?
Instant Prairie Family
Answering the newspaper advertisement for a housekeeper was Abigail Stewart’s chance of escape from her unhappy home. But her employer, Will Hopkins, has turned out to be a rugged widower with young sons instead of a widow. A marriage in name only will allow her to remain long enough to find another job. Or until a misunderstanding becomes the means to a second-chance family…
Cowboy to the Rescue
Though Georgia belle Susanna Anders agrees to accompany her father on a silver prospecting trip to Colorado, her heart belongs to the South. Then charming cowboy Nate Northam saves her father’s life and gives them shelter at his ranch. Feeling gratitude is only natural, but falling for a Yankee ? Soon shocking revelations compel both Nate and Susanna to choose between loyalty to the past or the promise of a bold new love.
Là, c’est l’inverse, c’est la seconde qui m’intéresse !
Can they ?
Louisiana angler Victoria Thibodeaux needs the spokesperson contract with Romeo Reels to keep her business going and give her daughter a better life. But her hard-won confidence sinks to the bottom of the bayou when her rival, Alaskan fisherman Seth James, arrives. With his smooth-talking charm, handsome Seth could steal both her job and her heart, unless secrets from her past catch up with her first…
Un des bouquins que j’avais le plus hâte de reçevoir. DES RIVAUX DE PÊCHE QUOI.
and not falling for him…
Falsely accused of embezzling money, Tami Wilson is forced to spy on her new boss, CEO Keaton Richmond, to prove her innocence. The same alluring new boss who whisks her to the wilderness for a week of team building… and then tempts her to surrender to their searing chemistry. But how can she go through with her plan if she falls for this man ?
J’adore quand la romance contemporaine sort un peu des sentiers battus.
The Safest Lies
The only way for Special Agent Sadie Buchanan to retrieve a hostage from a criminal camp embedded deep in the Tennessee wilderness is to team up with a stranger she can’t figure out. He’s attractive and smart, yes. Trustworthy, maybe. But when hardheaded Sadie and operative Flynn move to outsmart the enemy, extreme danger lies ahead…
Undercover Accomplice
A terrorist attack is looming, and Delta Force soldier Hunter Mancini must team up with CIA operative Sue Chandler — again. Their mission : find and stop a radical group before it obtains and detonates a nuclear weapon. But as disaster threatens and everything is on the line, Sue reveals a secret even this action-hardened warrior couldn’t imagine…
Les deux histoires donnent grave envie.
… into the prince’s world !
Journalist Toni Clarke has bagged an incredible opportunity — the chance to interview the notoriously private Prince Ivo of Monrosa ! Alone together at his stunning beachside finca, Toni soon discovers there’s more to the royal than just his crown. Like Ivo, Toni has every reason to avoid relationships. Could a fling under the Mediterranean sun lead to a lifetime of love ?
Une romance royale qui a l’air toute simple et choupi.
leads to a deadly pursuit.
When domestic violence counselor Dulcie Parker uncovers evidence of a human trafficking ring in the Four Corners area, she’s determined to stop it or die trying. With corruption all around her and killers on her trail, Deputy Sheriff Austin Turner’s the one person she can trust. But can they work together to expose the crime ring before she becomes the next victim ?
J’avais pas spécialement prévu de craquer à la base, et puis zut.
Prosecuting the notorious Rip City Bomber, pregnant Deputy DA Madison Gray is stunned to find Marshal Jonah Watson as her security detail. He’s the child’s father, but circumstances forced her to walk away months ago. Then a series of bombings threatens Madison, and she reluctantly must trust the one man she vowed never to depend on.
Sans trop savoir pourquoi, celui-ci m’attirait alors que bon, les histoires de femmes enceintes c’est pas trop mon truc en principe.
things are about to get extremely personal…
Chef Harper Dawn flees to Texas in disguise after a reality dating show disaster. Hiding out at a luxury cabin means posing as personal chef to sexy-as-sin CEO Cade Tremaine. Cade should be off-limits — he doesn’t know who she really is. But they have serious sparks. Can Harper cook up a recipe for Texas-sized second chances… or will her secret stand in the way ?
J’ai quand même hésité un peu pour celui-là, mais le côté cuisine + secret…
… a new beginning ?
Dana Warren almost doesn’t recognize the man Dr. Travis Russell has become. He’s far from the carefree guy she once spent an unforgettable summer with years ago as they trained to save lives and fight wildfires. Now an experienced smoke jumper, Dana must take the guarded doc through stunning but dangerous wilderness to reach a vulnerable patient — and take care not to lose her own scarred heart along the way…
C’est clairement parce que ça se passe dans le milieu des pompiers.
An emotional journey…
After a heartbreak in Sydney, Callie’s ready to start afresh in New York ! But staying in an apartment she inherited from a grandmother she never knew leads to many unsolved family questions. Luckily, her intriguingly handsome new neighbor, Owen Perry, has agreed to help. Callie’s not ready to start dating… so why are the sparks of attraction igniting between her and Owen ? Especially as there’s so much he’s not telling her !
Quel dommage que le titre spoile le pot twist, du coup !
Journalist Neema Kamau will risk anything to uncover the truth. She’ll even get close to politician Davis Black in order to investigate his possible organized crime connections. But when her professional interest turns personal, Neema knows that she risks losing the story — and the man — if she tells Davis the truth. And the stalker who’s circling them both might rob her of the chance to make things right…
Comment vouliez-vous résister à un résumé pareil ?
Fiercely independent storm chaser Brittany Owens has been avoiding smooth-talking CEO Cooper Tate. But fate keeps throwing them together. Twice she’s walked away after mind-blowing sexual encounters only to wind up back in his arms. Now Britt’s carrying Coop’s twins ! But telling him the truth means facing his need to rescue her, again — this time with a marriage in name only !
Clairement si la fille n’avait pas été chasseuse d’orage, je ne m’y serais jamais intéressé.
Or her future husband ?
Princess Zabrina agreed to a convenient match with a king she’s yet to meet to save her country from economic ruin. But before her wedding day, she seizes her first and last taste of freedom — with the royal bodyguard! Their encounter is electrifying… until he reveals his true identity.
Roman had wanted to get to know his intended queen better — and he’s certainly done that ! Yet having witnessed his father’s destructive affairs, how can he trust her ? But Zabrina won’t abandon their bargain, and their unstoppable chemistry isn’t going anywhere…
Une romance royale qui a l’air tellement chouette !
Cupid has other plans…
Wedding planner Mariah Van Delton has a plan to save the charming small town of Carter’s Crossing — by turning it into a romance destination ! All Mariah needs is a very public Valentine’s Day proposal. And her only option ? A fake one between her and the handsome town veterinarian and wedding hater, Nelson Carter. But a little charade between adversaries might just be the start of something undeniably real…
Dommage qu’il soit arrivé si tard parce que celui-là serait PARFAIT pour le mois de Février.
But resisting their chemistry is not !
By-the-book Maceo Fiorenti has fought hard to protect his company. He’s not going to let the arrival of free-spirited Faye Bishop upend his entire world. At least not without demanding she prove she’s worthy of the inheritance his godfather left her.
Faye came to Capri to discover why her long-lost stepfather would leave her a fortune. She didn’t bargain on the challenge set by his godson, tough-as-nails CEO Maceo ! Yet that soon seems easy compared to the challenge of resisting the unavoidable magnetism between them…
Rajouté dans une commande pour avoir les frais de port gratuits… x)
But only one man believes her.
After rafting guide Nora Radley witnesses her staff member’s murder — and narrowly escapes being shot — the crime scene casts doubt on her story. With the evidence pointing to suicide, only her ex-fiancé, Ranger Henry McKnight, is on her side. Ten years ago, an eerily similar unsolved crime tore her engagement to Henry apart. But this case might just cost them their lives.
Vous savez à quel point j’aime ce genre d’histoire…
He walked into hers…
Guilt drives New York cop Patrick McCormick, who promises to reunite schoolteacher Lisa Walters with her long-lost father. Only, Lisa also runs an underground speakeasy ! Tough yet innocent, Lisa might be the only one who can help Patrick overcome his past, but she’s on the wrong side of the law. Patrick must remember he’s there to fulfill a promise, not fall in love…
Techniquement relié à une série, mais peut se lire comme one-shot. Et comme le tome suivant ne m’intéresse pas…
only to fall right into temptation’s next trap
Runaway groom Brett Harston has long been the subject of town gossip — and so has Sarabeth Edmonds, who’s returned to Royal after leaving her hateful ex-husband. Soon an innocent kiss to rile the rumor mill unleashes a red-hot attraction they can’t resist. Will the wealthy rancher fall hard — or will she be the one to run this time ?
Alors ça ne se voit pas sur la couv’ mais l’héroïne est censée être plus âgée que le gars. C’est ce qui m’a donné envie de le lire.
C’était certes classique, mais les persos sont super attachants, j’ai vraiment beaucoup aimé.
To slow, sultry nights !
Dr. Regina Montgomery’s temporary job in Miami is a chance to refocus on her goal of becoming chief of medicine. But she’s unprepared for her former resident, Dr. Mateo Herrera, to be working in the same hospital. When Mateo makes it clear he wants her… the term night shift takes on a whole new meaning ! But Mateo’s family needs him, and Regina has fought long and hard for her career back in California…
« Miami ».
But some things she can’t forget
Busy small-town veterinarian Emily Fielding is finally ready to take on some help. The best man for the job, however, is Wes Marlow — who broke her heart in high school. Though Wes has a way with horses and a way of melting her resolve, Emily needs to keep things purely professional. Wes left her once — will he do it again ? Because she can’t lose her heart a second time…
Une véto, un vieux crush de lycée…
After tragedy strikes, chef Tatum Colton buries herself in her job. Detective Cruz Medina soon rocks her world once again, claiming criminals are using her restaurant as a front for nefarious activities. Cruz needs Tatum’s help to go undercover as her sous-chef, putting them both in the line of fire. But when things get hot in and out of the kitchen, can Cruz protect Tatum and their growing bond ?
Dans le genre original, avouez que ça va être dur de battre la mission d’infiltration en cuisine !
Audra Trask’s entire existence has been clouded by her missing father. When a vicious smear campaign and a mysterious stranger lurking in the background threaten her business and her life, she turns to Colorado Ranger Brigade specialist Mark Ô’Hud’’ Hudson for help. But Hud’s plan to use Audra to locate a potential criminal soon leads to an attraction he can’t deny… and a danger neither may survive.
Bon, là c’est plus classique, mais j’ai pas pu résister.
could cost them their lives.
Saving a boy who has escaped his captors puts Canadian border patrol officer Hannah Morgan right into the path of a ruthless child-smuggling ring. Now with help from police constable Layke Jackson, she must keep the child safe. But can they rescue the other abducted children and bring down the gang… all while protecting a little boy and keeping themselves alive ?
La (magnifique) couv me fait plus penser à une pub pour voiture qu’une romance ^^
Must keep his enemies close…
Left for dead by a mysterious attacker, Viking warlord Kal Randrson comes around with a deep head wound and a hazy memory, yet he instantly recognizes his rescuer — captivating Lady Cynehild, whose life he turned upside down years before. Although she’s his enemy, they agree to a fake betrothal to expose his attacker. But is the capable, intriguing Cynehild’s mission to help him, or has she another intention entirely ?
Un romantic suspense histo ? Je prends !
… that could fix his damaged heart ?
Billionaire Joel Larsson is no stranger to the spotlight. But when his engagement implodes, all Joel wants is to get away. Cue a solo trip to a private Caribbean island ! Yet, when he comes face-to-face with Emilie Clayton — Joel’s far-too-beautiful personal chef — things get complicated… Joel may be tempted to open the door to a fling with Emilie — but is he strong enough to keep his heart locked away ?
Bon, une île privée aux Caraïbes hein.
and a killer on the prowl.
Just as Chelsey Robards decides to call off her wedding, her soon-to-be husband is shot and killed at the altar. When the bullets start to fly her way, the best man, former Special Ops soldier Duncan O’Hare, drags her to safety. But with an unknown enemy on their trail, can they survive long enough to find out why she’s a target ?
Le résumé à 100 à l’heure qui ne peut que te donner envie d’ouvrir le bouquin.
But can she trust him to stay ?
Mallory’s life is turned upside down when she finds a sexy French stranger in her house. Handsome doc Josue pushes all the right buttons, and before long helicopter pilot Mallory is in his arms and in his bed ! But while passion sizzles, Mallory can’t be sure of what’s in his heart. Josue has always run from love… but will Mallory’s life-changing revelation be enough to change his mind ?
Parce que l’héroïne est PILOTE D’HELICO et que c’est pas banal.
Start a scandal ?
With her family facing ruin, and desperate to avoid an arranged marriage, Lady Millie Lansdowne must work with smugglers. Millie knows smuggling isn’t going to be plain sailing, but rescuing a mysterious gentleman in a storm embroils her in a thrilling family drama ! Helping handsome stranger Sam recover is a risk to her plans — and her emotions. He makes her feel alive, but she will be gambling on her family’s future if she goes with her heart…
Ai-je vraiment besoin d’expliquer pourquoi ?
And she’ll enjoy every delicious second !
The king of Vallia never wanted to ascend to the throne. But in order to abdicate, Luca needs a good, old-fashioned disgrace. That’s where powerhouse PR pro Amy Miller comes in !
Amy’s revived the career of many a star. She can certainly torpedo that of a reluctant royal. But when instant attraction ignites with Luca, Amy’s soon starring in the scandal. And the fire burning between them is anything but fake news. But will this explosive flame be extinguished by what’s hidden in Amy’s past ?
Avouez que d’habitude, les scandales, on cherche à les éviter, pas les provoquer.
Now to inherit it all, he’ll be living with temptation…
To keep control of his company, Tobias Hunt must follow all the terms in his investor’s will — including living with the other heir… Tobias’s ex-lover. Surely, he can deny his turbulent attraction to Allegra Mallory, especially after she announces she’s engaged to someone else. But when he discovers Allegra faked her relationship for him, all bets are off…
J’ai failli ne pas le prendre, et puis zut.
Is the woman he was meant to forget !
Sharif Marchetti is deliberate. Controlled. Especially in his strategic choice of a royal bride. So after surrendering to his instincts with a mystery woman, he must erase their desert encounter from his memory. Until they meet a second time… moments before they exchange wedding vows !
Princess Aaliyah Mansour is stunned that her arranged marriage is with the man who’d stirred her soul. She was prepared for a union that left her independence and defenses intact. Not a jet-set lifestyle with a husband who’s the ultimate distraction…
En général les romances orientales, j’achète dans même regarder le résumé ^^
Their night on the town is a blank, but when Zora Abbott and Dallas Hamilton awaken in a Vegas hotel room, they’re man and wife. With news of the nuptials spreading virally, the high-profile best friends decide to stay married, temporarily. Maybe under the cover of marriage, Dallas can even make his best friend’s baby dream come true. But can their friendship survive their newly unleashed passions ?
Du classique, mais j’ai pas pu résister.
Dane Trask will do anything to bring down an international drug ring, but he knows his first step is getting Ranger Brigade officer Faith Martin’s help. Faith can’t deny Dane’s unwavering determination — nor her attraction to the desperate fugitive. But when their investigation means eluding Faith’s fellow cops and an unknown killer, will the rugged Colorado terrain help them… or ensure their demise ?
Il y a tellement de romantic suspense tentants dans le catalogue…
Trey Lasseter’s instant attraction to the animal clinic’s new receptionist spells trouble. No way is he risking his heart again. But big-city beauty Nicole Nelson isn’t giving up on her fresh start in this Arizona small town — or the hunky veterinary assistant. Their mutual affection for animals and one dog in particular isn’t all they could share. Is Trey ready to commit to the woman he’s already fallen for ?
Une histoire avec des doggos. Voilà.
Meets a plain music teacher…
Max Fenton, Earl of Burnham, needs someone to attend a house party with him to keep an eye on his willful, romantically inclined stepsister. Though he must have taken leave of his senses when he persuades his sister’s prickly piano teacher, Miss Lucy Lambert, into the job! Especially when they are inadvertently compromised together… and his only option is a much more permanent proposal !
L’histoire n’a rien de nouveau mais j’ai craqué quand même.
Tempted by the forbidden…
Fleeing a forced betrothal, Tara Michaels escapes across the border, landing in Sheikh Raif’s opulent palace. Their countries are enemies, and he’s bossy and proud — but this charismatic desert king is offering her a luxurious safe haven…
Raif knows protecting Tara is risky, but he’s entranced by her beauty — and she stands up to him when others dare not. Yet once her identity as his guest becomes known, his final option is one he never thought he’d take : proclaiming Tara as his bride-to-be !
Là encore, j’ai pris direct.
His family or love
Born into different worlds, formidable steward Erik Ward could only admire sheltered noblewoman Linota Leofric from afar. Now he must escort Linota on a dangerous journey — a route that could also enable Erik to finally find his missing sister. Only when Linota is kidnapped, Erik must stop at nothing to save her, and ultimately faces an impossible choice : his vulnerable sister — or the courageous beauty in his arms…
Celui-ci, j’ai un peu hésité, on verra bien ce que ça donne.
the rules of engagement
are made to be broken…
While not all of starchitect Drew Maddox’s playboy reputation is deserved, a recent scandal means he has one last shot to stay CEO of his family’s company. He has to settle down. Bright, beautiful and squeaky-clean Jenna Somers will make the perfect fake fiancée. Drew promises Jenna whatever she desires… but what she desires is him !
Une histoire de fake-dating assez classique, mais voilà ^^
But what is the ultimate prize ?
Former bad boy Josh Riley is determined to become mayor of his small hometown, but that means campaigning against local sweetheart Shelby Cuthbert. Gone is the shy girl from his childhood, replaced by a fierce beauty Josh doesn’t really want to battle. Then Josh learns of a scandal that can redeem his reputation — but will it mean losing his chance with the girl next door ?
Une bataille pour la mairie ? Voilà le genre de plot original qu’on veut voir !
But he’s engaged !
Wedding planner Sophia Reed never imagined she’d meet her perfect man during a bank robbery. Evan Anderson is handsome and funny and makes Sophia believe in love at first sight. There’s only one small hitch — he’s engaged to someone else, and Sophia is planning his wedding ! But Evan’s wedding is purely a business arrangement… and true love might just turn this almost-perfect wedding into a beautiful catastrophe !
Bon allez déjà le titre, une wedding planneuse, le coup classique du client… mais ajoutez la rencontre originale et la superbe couv, c’est carton plein !
inflame their families’ feud ?
Fashion designer Mia Serenghetti desperately needs a date for the biggest gala of the season. Her only option ? The smoldering tech hotshot Damian Musil — whose family is the Serenghettis’ greatest rival in the construction business back home. When the unexpected heat between them proves anything but make-believe, will they risk reputation and family to explore their intense connection ? Falling for Mr. Wrong has never been so dangerous… nor felt so right.
Là par contre, rien de spécialement original, juste du enemies-to-lovers + fake dating.
Now someone’s come back to finish the job.
Someone’s taking out survivors of a school bus crash from fifteen years ago, and former Delta soldier Liam McKenzie’s next on the list. Determined to figure out who is killing his old classmates, the single father enlists the help of security operative Paige Walker, whose brother died in the original crash. But digging up old secrets could prove lethal for them both.
Et on passe sans transition à un truc qui sort des sentiers battus !
Can they heal each other ?
Adjusting to life as an amputee, independent medic Princess Georgiana refuses help from anyone. Yet using surgeon Edward Lawrence’s state-of-the-art clinic would speed her recovery and escape from the palace for good… Rehabilitation with the gorgeous — and off-limits — Ed means letting her guard down, something Georgiana finds hard… But can Ed make her see just how strong her scars make her and how much she has to offer ?
Bien sûr, j’ai pris parce que la fille est handi.
Zero Visibility
Merci Carson doesn’t know why she’s a target, but she knows she owes her life to EMT Nathan McCormick. Protecting Merci from the desperate men chasing her in the middle of a blizzard is the biggest challenge Nathan’s ever faced. But failure is not an option. Merci’s bravery and kindness touch his guarded heart. Together, they could have a future — if they can solve the mystery in time.
Secret Mountain Hideout
A remote Colorado mountain town and a fake identity have been Ashley Willis’s safe haven since fleeing after she witnessed a murder — but now the killer has found her trail. Desperate and terrified, she’s prepared to run again… but Deputy Sheriff Chase Fredrick won’t let her. With the lawman by her side, can she face danger head-on… and live long enough to bring a murderer to justice ?
Oui, je sais, ENCORE des histoires de fuite dans la montagne.
Un meurtre aussi étrange que singulier dans une ville où les crimes violents sont rares. Riverains et promeneurs n’ont rien remarqué, et ni la scène de crime ni les résultats du laboratoire ne révèlent d’indices significatifs.
L’enquête est confiée à Reiko Himekawa, 29 ans, seule officière de la division criminelle du Département de la police métropolitaine de Tokyo. Malgré son jeune âge, son sexe et son manque flagrant de connexions dans les hautes sphères, Reiko est parvenue au grade de lieutenante grâce à sa détermination et une aptitude hors du commun à explorer le cerveau criminel.
En dépit des méthodes douteuses de collègues prêts au pire pour l’évincer de l’affaire, c’est son intuition qui fera progresser l’enquête en permettant la découverte d’autres cadavres, emballés dans le même type de bâche de chantier. Mais là encore, le tueur a su se protéger.
La seule piste qui finit par émerger est une rumeur sur le Darknet : un site du nom de Strawberry Night.
Reiko, qui a des raisons personnelles de détester les chaudes soirées d’été, va arpenter la moiteur des quartiers de la nuit tokyoïte sur les traces d’un artiste de la mort. C’est le début d’une chasse à l’homme qui pourrait se retourner contre elle.
On ne dit pas merci à la Masse Critique Babelio qui m’a fait dévaliser le catalogue des éditions Akatombo.
Alors j’en ai lu une critique quelque part, mais OÙ ?
Dans les pires moments, Shôgo Kanetaka doute de pouvoir retrouver son ancienne vie de policier. Afin d’infiltrer un important gang, il a dû changer de nom et de visage. Ses traits portent les stigmates de ces quatre années au cœur de la pègre. Son regard a pris la froideur acérée de celui qui a du sang sur les mains. Son dernier « travail » l’a obligé à pister un truand renégat sur l’île tropicale d’Okinawa et à l’éliminer.
Mis à part son supérieur direct à l’Antigang, ses anciens collègues ignorent qu’il est passé de l’autre côté. Et pour cause, la méthode est totalement illégale.
Si Kanetaka a appris une chose, c’est que les yakuzas sont rois en matière de collecte d’informations. Plus le temps passe et plus son identité risque d’être révélée.
Confronté au plus puissant caïd de Tokyo, réussira-t-il à mener sa mission à bien ?
Sans doute le livre qui me faisait le plus envie chez Akatombo…
Lorsqu’un jeune homme inquiet brave les rigueurs de l’hiver pour lui demander de retrouver sa petite amie, le détective l’accueille avec sa décontraction légendaire et ne le prend guère au sérieux. Bientôt, il découvre que cette disparition coïncide avec le meurtre, dans un love hotel, d’un serveur de maison close. Et l’atmosphère monte encore d’un cran lorsque notre limier se fait agresser par un groupe de jeunes possiblement instrumentalisés par la pègre. Dès lors, la marche à suivre est claire : s’il veut mener son enquête à son terme, il devra non seulement s’aventurer le long des rues glacées de Susukino, mais plonger aussi au plus profond d’un monde de la nuit dominé par les yakuzas qui, eux, ne plaisantent pas.
… Je sais, j’suis faible.
… Oui, j’ai exceptionnellement brisé mon boycott d’Actes Sud pour ce truc qui me faisait de l’oeil depuis sa sortie. Et puis la couv’ est splendide.
Alors celui-là, je ne sais plus au gré de quelle suggestion (Babelio ou Amazon) je suis tombé dessus. Reste qu’il a atterri dans le panier.
Quand y’en a plus, y’en a encore : alors que j’atteignais presque le bas de la pile de Harlequin vintage, voilà que ma mère m’en ramène deux de plus ! Comme ce n’étaient pas ceux qui m’emballaient le plus, je les ai lus tout de suite…
Alors perso, j’ai bien aimé, principalement parce que le métier de Russell est bien exploité et que les maisons visitées font rêver. Par contre, il y a des tas de raisons pour lesquelles ça peut ne pas plaire, en fonction des trucs susceptibles de vous faire tiquer ou pas.
C’est par ces mots que George R.R. Martin ouvre cette anthologie consacrée aux vauriens de la littérature, dans laquelle, avec son complice Gardner Dozois, il emmène vingt de ses compères : Neil Gaiman, Connie Willis, Joe Abercrombie, Scott Lynch, Patrick Rothfuss…
J’ai découvert son existence via « Epées et magie » et, vu le thème, ne pouvais passer à côté. Le choc en recevant le p***** de pavé !
Suis-le dans son aventure !
Quand Khalysta Farall a évoqué ce petit projet jeunesse sur Twitter, j’ai tout de suite été emballé. Faisant fi des mises en garde (« attention, c’est vraiment pour les tout-petits hein… »), j’ai craqué et ne le regrette absolument pas. C’est adorable, les photos sont superbes, on en ressort avec une patate immense et vingt-cinq ans de moins.
Explorer le jardin et rencontrer ses voisins, voilà ce qu’il veut !
Alors un beau matin, c’est décidé,
il part à l’aventure et s’en va voyager !
Where, two centuries ago, three sisters were sentenced to death for witchery. Stones were tied to their ankles and they were drowned in the deep waters surrounding the town.
Now, for a brief time each summer, the sisters return, stealing the bodies of three weak-hearted girls so that they may seek their revenge, luring boys into the harbor and pulling them under.
Like many locals, seventeen-year-old Penny Talbot has accepted the fate of the town. But this year, on the eve of the sisters’ return, a boy named Bo Carter arrives, unaware of the danger he has just stumbled into.
Mistrust and lies spread quickly through the salty, rain-soaked streets. The townspeople turn against one another. Penny and Bo suspect each other of hiding secrets. And death comes swiftly to those who cannot resist the call of the sisters.
But only Penny sees what others cannot. And she will be forced to choose : save Bo, or save herself.
Pour avoir atteint 4,5k lors de mon NaNoWriMo d’Avril.
Can Rocky Mountain Ranch make him a husband ?
After a medical discharge from the marines, all Devin Langford wants is peace and solitude on his Montana ranch. Instead, he finds his childhood nemesis, Chloe Kenner, in his rental cabin. The cheerful cookbook writer can’t forget how she once pestered him – and crushed on him. Is her sunny smile just what he needs to begin healing ?
Des ennemis d’enfance, un chalet dans la montagne… et le tout à 2€50, vous vouliez que je fasse quoi ?
And is one step ahead
Someone’s targeting the families of soldiers in Sergeant Jason Barnes’s elite military unit, and Jason’s determined his secret ex-wife won’t become a victim. But with his heart still wounded, he refuses to risk falling for firefighter Erin Taylor again. As he puts his life on the line to guard her, though, he can’t keep his distance if he wants her to survive.
Déjà repéré quand j’avais découvert la collection, j’avais passé mon chemin parce qu’il ne m’intéressait pas plus que ça et qu’il fallait faire des choix. En le trouvant à prix cassé en revanche, j’ai sauté sur l’occasion.
Back home after a mission trip, nurse and EMT Sara Southerland learns that her cousin’s death might not have been an accident – and now someone wants her dead. The only person she can trust is longtime crush and fire captain Adam Kane. With a stalker on their tail, Adam will do whatever it takes to protect the woman he’s realizing he can’t live without.
Je ne l’aurais jamais acheté plein tarif, mais pour moins de 3€, autant se laisser tenter.
Except her child’s secret father
Framed for her new husband’s murder and on the run from both the killer and the police, Claire Mitchell needs help. But her ex-fiancé is the last person she expects to rescue her. Alex Vasquez just found out he’s the father of Claire’s daughter, and he knows they will have to face their rocky past… if they can survive long enough to clear her name.
M’avait déjà fait de l’œil l’an dernier. Puisque son prix avait baissé…
Now someone’s after him in this Secret Service Agents story
After a man is killed while carrying his brother’s navy ID, Secret Service agent Declan Stringer is determined to figure out why – even if it turns a killer’s sights on him. But first he must convince NCIS agent Portia Finch to partner with him on the case. As attraction sparks between them, Portia knows she’s on dangerous ground… because Declan is hiding deadly secrets.
J’avais hésité à la prendre, à sa sortie… En le trouvant à 2€80, je ne me suis plus fait prier.
Depuis qu’elle est enfant, Camille rêve d’un grand mariage tandis que Laurent, marqué par le divorce de ses parents, s’est juré de ne jamais s’engager. Par amour, chacun fait un pas en direction de l’autre : ce sera un pacs imaginé en petit comité, avec leurs familles et quelques amis. Mais c’est sans compter l’intrusion zélée des parents de Camille dans l’organisation de cette célébration.
Le jour « J » arrive : la fête tiendra-t-elle toutes ses promesses de bonheur ?
Proposé par Babelio dans une Masse Critique privée. Le résumé donnait envie alors je n’ai pas hésité longtemps, bien qu’il ne s’agisse pas d’une romance mais bien de littérature blanche. Oui oui, j’ai lu de la blanche de mon plein gré. Même que j’ai aimé ça !!!
Le voilà enfin, la bouquin qui m’a réconcilié avec la blanche ! C’est léger, c’est frais, parfois drôle, parfois plus amer. Grâce à la forme, l’auteur a su rendre originale une forme des plus banales, une union comme il y en a tous les jours, avec ses innombrables petits couacs.
While Hope is uncertain she’ll find her way back to the man she left behind, Kit finds herself kissing the man of her high school fantasies, good girl Charity decides to have some fun with a bad boy and Pru develops feelings for the one man she shouldn’t touch — her brother’s best friend.
All they wanted was to make their small-town childhood dreams a reality. But along the way, these four women also have to contend with their very own good old-fashioned cowboys…
« Rah, c’était pas un one-shot ! »
But their chemistry is royally irresistible !
Countless women would be thrilled to marry King Matteo de la Cruz. Yet his brilliant personal assistant, Livia, flat-out refuses his proposal… and then quits ! Matteo is outraged, then intrigued… Can anything make his ideal queen reconsider ?
Livia has loved Matteo since he plucked her from the gutter as a teenager. Wearing his crown yet not having his heart would be unbearable. Still, their mind-blowing kiss makes innocent Livia long for his touch. If she surrenders to their desire just once, will she be able to say goodbye for good ?
« Suis-moi, je te fuis, fuis-moi… »
… leads to the shock of a lifetime !
For actress Zara Khan, a pretend romance with an old flame, director Virat Raawal, is the ideal story to feed the press — and halt her family’s attempts to marry her off. But after sparks reignite one scorching night, she has a very real pregnancy to go with their fake relationship…
Virat is determined to do the right thing and claim Zara as his wife. He offers her everything in the world… save for the heart that he’s locked firmly away. The trouble is, Zara will only wed for love !
Et une duologie de finie, une !
in her new Alaskan home ?
Forced to reinvent herself in witness protection, Isabelle Sanchez begins working for an Alaskan chocolate company under the alias Ella Perez. Her new warmhearted town is a peaceful refuge — as is the company of chocolate empire heir Connor North. She may never be able to tell Connor the truth about her fresh start… but can they find love despite her secrets ?
Ouais bon, j’ai sauté un tome parce qu’il ne me disait rien, mais ça ne veut pas dire que j’abandonne la série.
But her heart still wants him
Dalia Ramirez can’t believe it. It was bad enough that a storm damaged her family’s Texas ranch and injured her mom. But hiring her too-handsome ex Tony Reyes to do the renovations is asking for trouble — especially when sparks are flying between them. But is Dalia falling for the same reckless boy who broke her heart… or a man she can trust to build a future with ?
Bon… le tome 3 ne m’intéresse pas du tout, et ne sachant pas s’il y aura d’autres tomes derrière actuellement, je ne sais pas si je dois considérer le dossier « Truly Texas » clos ou pas. Ceci dit, chaque tome pouvant se lire indépendamment, ce n’est pas SI grave.
And a K-9 and determined detective on the case.
In a hurricane’s aftermath, Detective Erin Jeffries is stunned when she and her search-and-rescue K-9, Alcee, uncover a collapsed building’s only survivor — her long-ago ex, Cody Elbourne. And it’s quickly clear that the disaster was no accident. Now only Cody can identify the man who set the explosives that killed his grandfather… and Erin must stop the killer dead set on silencing him.
Quand ton colis traîne tellement que tu reçois le tome 2 en même temps que le 3…
Can a park ranger and her K-9 find him ?
When search-and-rescue park ranger Autumn Mercer and her K-9 partner, Sherlock, meet a stranger in the mountains whose brother is injured, they drop everything to help. But all they find where Derek Peterson last saw his sibling is a trail of blood — and men who want them dead. With gunmen closing in, can Autumn and Derek survive long enough to save his brother ?
Et voilà, c’est finiiiii ! C’est quand même cool d’avoir des séries courtes en marge des sagas « brigades canines » à rallonge.
but their chemistry is off the charts.
Ainsley Voss is an assistant — not a seductress. So why all the steamy fantasies about taking Atlanta music mogul Grant Woodson to bed ? The sexy bachelor was burned by his last office romance and refuses to go down that road again with this single mom. Until a storm leaves them stranded. Alone. Together. But once they’ve crossed that line, is there no turning back ?
Alors a priori ce n’est pas le dernier tome, même si rien de concret n’est annoncé concernant une suite…
Rhea Reilly is certain her twin sister’s sudden disappearance six months ago wasn’t a suicide, no matter what Colorado authorities think. She can’t afford to trust police detective Jackson Whitaker — even if he’s risking his career to uncover the truth. But a lethal trail of lies is drawing them together… and into an inescapable trap.
Alors on ignore totalement combien la série aura de volumes, donc parfois tu commences un truc sans trop savoir dans quoi tu te lances x)
She’s a beguiling distraction !
Inspector Hazard Manning is determined to catch the art forger plaguing London’s aristocracy. As his investigation leads him to Kent’s new art school, sweet, beautiful Addy Stansfield volunteers as his guide. He’s used to a dark criminal world, but Addy’s sunny nature draws him to the light. However, as long-awaited passions stir, so do Hazard’s professional instincts… Could she unwittingly be the very person he’s been sent to unmask ?
Tome 2/3.
The most unexpected of replies !
Helene d’Tierrza detests her corrupt father’s tainted legacy. It’s why she’s sworn never to wed or have children. That’s never been a problem for this strong-willed soldier. Until superrich Drake Andros makes his proposal !
Drake deserves justice for all Hel’s father stole from him. His plan hinges on marrying Hel and her carrying his heir, so he’s pleased when their attraction instantly roars to life. Then he discovers her vow of celibacy… Persuading Hel to let down her guard will require him to do the unthinkable… and let down his own !
Bon ça en principe c’est bien une trilogie, donc on sait où on va.
Confronting her former crush
Trick rider Kenna Hewitt can’t avoid the company of Channing Pearce — not when the handsome cowboy needs Kenna’s help saving his family’s rodeo arena. Working together, and being in a wedding together, soon has old feelings resurfacing. But as a gal who does stunts for a living, trusting in a possible future with the cowboy of her dreams is still the most dangerous task she’s ever faced…
Surprise, c’était pas un one-shot ! Bon… C’est parti pour une nouvelle série donc…
With the help of his K-9 companion, Patches, FBI victim specialist Jax Diallo vows to help police chief Keara Hernandez solve the attacks rocking their Alaskan community. Evidence suggests the crimes are connected to her husband’s long-unsolved murder. And the strikes are becoming more personal. When dodging bullets becomes a daily event, Jax risks everything to keep his beautiful new partner from meeting a violent end…
A ce jour il y a au moins un tome de plus de prévu.
S’il y a bien une série dont je tiens à ne louper aucun volume, c’est bien celle-ci !
Toujours pas le dernier !
Yey beyond the array of temptations at display, the Yoshiwara also fostered a rich culture and a much studied artistic tradition that is highly revered today. Geishas and the Floating World weaves a scholar’s insight with a master stroyteller’s flair for the exploits and intrigues of the intersectiong lives that animated Japan’s legendary pleasure zone.
La lecture de « La courtisane d’Edo » a fini de piquer une curiosité déjà aiguillée par « Sakuran » il y a plusieurs années de ça. J’ai donc eu envie d’en apprendre un peu plus sur l’histoire de ce quartier très spécial.
When Yasuke arrived in Japan in the late 1500s, he had already traversed much of the known world. Kidnapped as a child in Northeast Africa, he served as a bodyguard to the head of the Jesuits in Asia, traveling to India and China, and eventually arriving in Japan, where everything would change.
Most Japanese people had never seen an African man before. Some believed he was a god. Others saw him as the black-skinned Buddha.
Among those drawn to him was Lord Nobunaga, head of the most powerful clan in Japan, who made Yasuke a samurai in his court. Soon, Yasuke was learning the traditions of martial arts and ascending the upper echelons of Japanese society, where he would live on to become a legend for the centuries to come.
Askip y’a une série Netflix sur lui en ce moment.
Quand il a été annoncé, j’ai immédiatement voulu sauter dessus. Mais bon, exclu Square Enix JP… J’ai donc eu recours à un shopping service pour le choper ^^
Dégotté à la boîte à livres lors d’une sortie photo. On ne pouvait pas rentrer dans l’immeuble à cause d’une gourdasse qui se faisait le pied de grue sans masque pile devant la porte, on a donc été faire un tour plus loin le temps de.
– 4,50 euros !
Le serveur regarde ailleurs mais demeure proche de la table, pour montrer qu’il attend que Julien règle immédiatement. Tout dans son comportement indique que le temps mis par son client pour procéder au paiement lui paraît insupportable.
– Je n’ai pas commandé de café.
Le serveur consent enfin à poser les yeux sur Julien. Il fronce les sourcils.
– Ah peut-être, j’ai dû me tromper de table. Vous le prenez quand même, ou pas ?
Il semble à Julien que toute la terrasse le dévisage comme s’il était responsable de l’erreur du serveur.
– Si vous voulez. Je veux bien le boire.
C’était… bof.
Une héroïne de romance plus immature que les héros de dix ans croisés en littérature jeunesse ? Improbable et pourtant, ça existe. Dire que ça plombe la lecture est un doux euphémisme…
– Et maintenant ? demanda-t-elle.
Incrédule, Jesse contempla les longues jambes de la jeune femme et poussa un soupir.
– Pose un pied après l’autre sur les pédales, et avance.
Docile, Sarah obéit. La bicyclette grinça, fit un bond en avant, puis vacilla, et Sarah tomba sur l’herbe, riant aux larmes.
– Recommence ! cria Jesse.
Et elle recommença. Chaque fois, elle avançait un petit peu plus, mais elle perdait l’équilibre dès qu’elle tentait de synchroniser ses mouvements. Dieu que c’était drôle ! Sarah ne s’était jamais tant amusée de sa vie. Elle riait tant qu’il lui était parfois difficile de se remettre en selle.
Et puis, tout d’un coup, elle ne tomba plus. Etonnée, elle retint son rire et continua à pédaler à toute vitesse. Elle dévala le sentier qui menait à la route, et s’engagea sur le chemin. Comment faisait-on pour s’arrêter ?
Lui aussi trouvé à la boîte à livres, et encore moins joyeux que ça en avait l’air. Mais très bon ! Seulement, je ne l’aurais pas relu.
Bref, j’ai fait plusieurs sorties pour, mais pas encore traité la majorité des clichés tellement j’étais naze.
J’ai également fait des photos macros de notre nouveau coloc… Une petite bestiole à huit pattes qui a élu domicile dans le pot de mon chamaedora. Après moult tergiversations, voyant qu’iel ne bougeait pas de son coin, j’ai décidé de lui faire plus ou moins confiance pour protéger ma plante des parasites susceptibles de vouloir la boulotter. Bref, moi, arachnophobe en voie de guérison, j’ai adopté une araignée comme animal de compagnie. Iel s’appelle Rampage.
Je vous épargne ces clichés-là, pour des raisons évidentes.
J’ai reçu Sorel.
Vous connaissez la routine, shooting à l’arrache tout ça…
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