Bilan de Décembre 2020

Posted By Svet Mori le 24 janvier 2021

Je sais, on est le 24 JANVIER. Mais au début du mois, j’ai eu un gros coup de mou, ras-le-bol du blog et surtout d’y passer un temps aussi monstrueux, bref, j’ai préféré prendre du temps pour moi, me reposer un peu tout ça.

Du coup, Décembre, ça a été crises de douleur, un peu d’écriture avec un nouveau projet (une romance hivernale dans l’univers de The Last Sorceress), pas beaucoup de photo mais quelques gribouillages.

Les lectures du mois

Un mois assez calme, où j’ai lu 6 livres (dont le tome 1 de Protocole et chocolat chaud, déjà lu et critiqué l’an passé) et pas les plus épais, auxquels s’ajoute un livre de coloriage.
LE bouquin à retenir de tout ça, c’est Highland Doc’s Christmas Rescue, une vraie bonne surprise !

Devine qui vient pour Noël (anthologie)
[VO] Highland Doc’s Christmas Rescue
La terre des Mac Egan – Intégrale
Mon herbier à colorier (loisirs créatifs) (voir ci-dessous)
Protocole et chocolat chaud, tome 2 – Royauté et chocolat chaud (voir ci-dessous)
Tu fais quoi pour Noël ? Je t’évite !

Avec 26 points sur les 40 possibles, je ne m’en tire pas trop mal pour le défi PKJ de Novembre/Décembre !

Le loot

J’avais la FLEMME de séparer le loot « normal » du gros carton de livres de Noël alors j’ai tout collé dans le même article.

Niveau précommandes chez Harlequin US, Amazon m’a fait la désagréable surprise en début de mois de… me laisser complètement tomber. Ne pouvant plus non plus compter sur Book Depo à cause du Brexit, j’en suis donc venu à l’ultime solution, certes la plus économique, mais de loin la moins pratique : commander directement sur le site de l’éditeur, qui n’expédie aux US, en utilisant un proxy.
Dans les faits, entre la réduction par rapport au prix public et les promotions du Vendredi, même avec les frais de port US-FR, ça me revient moins cher que quand je les prenais en France. En revanche, faut pas être pressé parce qu’ils ne sont pas rapides (ma commande du 2 janvier vient seulement d’être envoyée), ajoutez-y le temps de traverser l’Atlantique…

Bref, tout ça pour dire que seule une partie de mes précommandes de Décembre a été honorée par Amazon.

Le reste, c’est des achats à bas prix réalisés depuis Juillet et mis de côté exprès pour Noël.

Les tomes de séries déjà connues

Protocole et chocolat chaud, tome 2 – Royauté et chocolat chaud
romance contemporaine
139 pages

Acheter ce livre sur Amazon

« Aaaaaaaaaah, c’était pas one-shot ! », épisode 4675898.

Et ben heureusement que c’était pas un one-shot, tant cette suite explose le premier volet ! Plus sérieux, plus rythmé, plus magique avec son petit pays sous la neige, ce tome 2 achève la série de fort belle manière !

Nook m’emboîte le pas, espérant sans doute que je descende aux cuisines réclamer au Chef quelques morceaux de viande. Ce chat est un intéressé, rien de plus. Tout comme son maître.
Les nouvelles séries

Enquêtes aux jardins, tome 1 – Les empoisonneurs
191 pages
Peut être lu comme un one-shot

Acheter ce livre sur Amazon

Emma et Lucas, habitués infatigables du Jardin des Plantes de Nantes, voient leur univers bousculé lorsqu’un milliardaire du web décide d’y programmer le lancement d’une nouvelle application botanique révolutionnaire. C’est le moment que choisit leur vieil ami, Jean-Marie James Écolloyd pour… disparaître corps et âme ! Les deux adolescents se lancent bille en tête à sa recherche, avançant sans le savoir vers les mâchoires acérées d’un vaste complot international.
Danger, chausse-trappes, coups de théâtre et coups de tonnerre, rien ne leur sera épargné !
Une enquête menée à 100 à l’heure par un duo de choc appelé à s’approcher… de très près de la mystérieuse et très secrète « Guilde des Jardins du Roi »…

Découvert grâce à la critique de sylvaine sur Babelio.
Vu que ça fera bientôt un an que je n’ai plus mis les pieds dans les serres (et ça me manque bordel), je n’ai pas résisté longtemps et il n’a pas traîné dans ma PAL puisqu’il a été ma première lecture de 2021.

– Merde, il est complètement cinglé ton mec !
– Ce n’est pas mon mec…
– J’ai comme l’impression que c’est en cours.

Au final, ça se lit, mais je n’ai pas réussi à passer outre les défauts du truc.

[VO] Runaway Royals, tome 1 – How to Catch a Queen
romance contemporaine
354 pages
Peut être lu comme un one-shot
When Shanti Mohapi weds the king of Njaza, her dream of becoming a queen finally comes true. But it’s nothing like she imagined. Shanti and her husband may share an immediate and powerful attraction, but her subjects see her as an outsider, and everything she was taught about being the perfect wife goes disastrously wrong.
A king must rule with an iron fist, and newly crowned King Sanyu was born perfectly fitted for the gauntlet, even if he wishes he weren’t. He agrees to take a wife as is required of him, though he doesn’t expect to actually fall in love. Even more vexing ? His beguiling new queen seems to have the answers to his country’s problems — except no one will listen to her.
By day, they lead separate lives. By night, she wears the crown, and he bows to her demands in matters of politics and passion. When turmoil erupts in their kingdom and their marriage, Shanti goes on the run, and Sanyu must learn whether he has what it takes both to lead his people and to catch his queen.

La nouvelle série de l’autrice de « Reluctant Royals » !

[VO] Imperial Space Regency, tome 1 – The Earl and the Executive
romance SF
281 pages
Peut être lu comme un one-shot

Acheter ce livre sur Amazon

An impoverished earl…
Tiral Oican has inherited his brother’s title, estate, and the tremendous debt his brother took out before his unexpected death. There is only one option to save the estate and all the people who are now depending on him : marry a rich heir who is willing to pay off the debt in exchange for Tiral’s title.
Now, scholarly Tiral must transform himself into a seductive fortune hunter. The only way he can see through the mess is by hiring a tutor in love. It’s too bad that Zev is so good at his job that Tiral is falling for him.
And a rich entrepreneur…
To protect his heart, Zev Laft has spent years fooling the ton into believing he’s no more than an entertaining flirtation. He just didn’t expect the ruse to work so well that the newest penniless earl to arrive on Lus for the season would assume him a demimonde and try to hire him to be his instructor in courtship.
Now one of richest men in the empire finds himself struggling to keep up the façade, when his own heart is being taken by a man he has no intention of marrying.

Découvert grâce à Toshokan il y a de ça quelques mois et commandé lors d’une crise de shopping. J’ai failli prendre le tome 2 avec mais l’intrigue me bottait moins, alors j’ai remis ça à plus tard.

[VO] Lairds of Ardvarrick, tome 1 – Forbidden to the Highland Laird
romance historique
280 pages
Peut être lu comme un one-shot
A Scottish beauty
Lures the Laird to sin !

Exchanging elegant society balls for clan wars, Logan Rathmore has returned to Scotland as the new Laird of Ardvarrick. Peace is within grasp when he meets musician Ailsa McInnis from a rival clan. Her stubborn pride and innocence fascinate him — but with her now under his protection, he must do nothing to abuse her trust. The fragile peace is dependent on his being able to resist the forbidden temptation she presents…

L’Écosse, une musicienne, une histoire de clans… que demander de plus ?

[VO] Hearts of Big Sky, tome 2 – Christmas on the Ranch
romance contemporaine
378 pages
Peut être lu comme un one-shot
Can the warmth of Christmas…
Melt his frozen heart?

Alaina Wright is finally following her dream of becoming a wildlife photographer. And Gideon Carmichael’s Montana ranch on the edge of Yellowstone is the perfect home base. After losing the love of her life two years earlier, Alaina isn’t looking for romance. But there’s something about the gruff, wounded rancher that makes her wonder… could they both get a second chance at happily-ever-after this Christmas ?

Une photographe, Yellowstone, une romance de Noël. Impossible de résister.

[VO] Redhawk Reunion, tome 1 – Taking on the Billionaire
romance contemporaine
219 pages
Peut être lu comme un one-shot
But will her secrets destroy them both ?
Investigator Tess Lynch once helped Adam Redhawk find his Cherokee family. Now the self-made tech billionaire wants her to root out his company’s saboteur — and share his bed. But as passion builds between them, the private eye pursues a plan of her own — to get even for the way Adam’s adoptive father ruined hers. Until an unexpected pregnancy changes everything…

Pour l’instant il y a deux tomes d’annoncés. Le petit côté enquête semble sympa. Et c’est ownvoices !

Les Chroniques de l’Erable et du Cerisier, tome 1 – Le masque de Nô
412 pages
Enfant abandonné, Ichirô est élévé comme un fils par un mystérieux samouraï qui lui enseigne la voie du sabre.
Vivant reclus dans les montagnes, au cœur d’une nature sauvage, il grandit au rythme des saisons, entre une insouciance bienheureuse et un apprentissage qui exige persévérance et courage.
Mais par une nuit terrible, Ichirô voit sa vie basculer. Il doit tourner le dos à son enfance pour affronter le monde et son destin.

Offert par mon meilleur ami à Noël ♥

[VO] The Queen’s Guard, tome 1 – Stolen to Wear His Crown
romance contemporaine
217 pages
Peut être lu comme un one-shot
From unworldly scientist…
… to his fearless queen !

Mina has finally achieved her dream of becoming chief scientific advisor of Cyrano, when she’s stolen from the interview room ! She’s taken directly to the palace chapel, where the terms of a secret betrothal mean she must marry the king — immediately.
Powerful King Zayn knows all too well monarchs can’t afford dangerous distractions like love. Yet still, he’s appalled to be wed to a complete stranger! Mina is altogether too sensitive, too scholarly, too unpolished to be queen. But that can’t stop the desire that flares each time she looks his way…

Premier tome d’une trilogie. Le résumé peut ne pas donner envie (voire rebuter), mais les premières critiques sont plutôt enthousiastes.

[VO] The Heirs of Liri, tome 1 – His Majesty’s Forbidden Temptation
romance contemporaine
216 pages
Peut être lu comme un one-shot
He swore he’d resist her…
How long before he gives in to temptation ?

Tinley Markham is back in the kingdom of Liri for one reason : to uphold the marriage agreement her beloved father made — or risk losing everything…
Honor and guilt dictate that King Alexius help the woman once promised to his late brother find a husband. He doesn’t expect impossible Tinley to soon consume his every waking moment. And the fire raging between them is combustible enough to destroy everything. Even a king’s iron self-control !

Les romances royales c’est vraiment un point faible en fait.

Les one-shot

[VO] When We Were Lost
309 pages
A grippling white-knuckle thriller set in the unknown depths of the Amazon jungle, When We Were Lost explores the razor-thin line between life and death, and what it really means to be alive.

Pour avoir atteint 10200 mots écrits depuis début Novembre.

[VO] Destiny’s Captive
romance historique
370 pages
Noah Yates fully believes in the joys of a happy family and a good wife. But that’s not the life for him. No, he would much rather sail the wild seas in search of adventure, not tied down. But then the unthinkable happens… he finds himself literally tied down. To a bed. By a woman.
And Pilar isn’t just an ordinary woman. She’s descended from pirates. And after giving him one of the worst nights of his life, she steals his ship ! Now Noah is on the hunt, and he’ll stop at nothing to find this extraordinary woman… and make her his.

Découvert par hasard en cherchant complètement autre chose. Il ne m’a même pas coûté 3€ en neuf grâce à un bon d’achat.

3 romans d’amour
romance contemporaine
Les fiancés du réveillon
Bloquée dans l’aéroport de Chicago par une tempête de neige, Marietta y croise Reed Hartstone, son amour d’adolescence. Bouleversée, elle prend alors une décision : elle ira passer les fêtes à Whistle Creek, la petite ville où ils ont tous deux grandi. Whistle Creek, où l’attend le plus beau cadeau de Noël…
Idylle en hiver
Jeune banquier à l’avenir prometteur et séducteur impénitent, Cari n’aspire qu’à fuir sa trépidante vie londonienne pour passer les fêtes dans le manoir familial de Bewley Hall. Il ne sait pas encore qu’il va découvrir dans ce lieu un secret jalousement gardé depuis sept ans, et susceptible de bouleverser à jamais son existence…
L’amant de Noël
Dès qu’elle rencontre Kyle Paxton, Alexia, journaliste, tombe sous son charme. Mais, en apprenant qu’il est le propriétaire du nouveau restaurant branché de Cedar Bridge, elle craint le pire : comment réagira-t-il en apprenant qu’elle est l’auteur d’une critique assassine de son établissement, et pourra-t-il jamais lui pardonner d’avoir ruiné sa réputation ?

Petite commande de rattrapage en VF puisque la VO n’est plus dispo depuis belle lurette.

[VO] Sorcery of Thorns
456 pages
Elisabeth has known that as long as she has known anything. Raised as a foundling in one of Austermeer’s Great Libraries, Elisabeth has grown up among magical grimoires that rattle beneath iron chains, capable of transforming into grotesque monsters.
When an act of sabotage releases the library’s most dangerous grimoire, Elisabeth is accused of treason. With no one to turn to but her sworn enemy, the sorcerer Nathaniel Thorn, and his mysterious servant, she finds herself entangled in a centuries-old conspiracy. Not only could the Great Libraries go up in flames, but the world along with them.

Pour avoir atteint 12500 mots écrits depuis début Novembre.
Pour l’avoir feuilleté, je suis sûr à environ 3000% que l’autrice et moi avons eu la même source d’inspiration pour nos bouquins respectifs, à savoir Bartiméus de Jonathan Stroud.

[VO] Four Dead Queens
dark fantasy
417 pages

Acheter ce livre sur Amazon

Seventeen-year-old Keralie Corrington may seem harmless, but in fact she’s one of Quadara’s most skilled thieves and a liar. Varin, on the other hand, is an honest, upstanding citizen of Quadara’s most enlightened region, Eonia. Varian runs afoul of Keralie when she steals a package from him, putting his life in danger. When Varin attempts to retrieve the package, he and Keralie both find themselves entangled in a conspiracy that leaves all four of Quadara’s queens dead.
With no other choices and on the run from Keralie’s former employer, the two decide to join forces, endeavoring to discover who has killed the queens and save their own lives in the process. When their reluctant partnership blooms into a tenuous romance, they must overcome their own dark secrets in hopes of a future together that seemed impossible just days before. But first they have to stay alive and untangle the secrets behind the nation’s four dead queens.

J’ai longtemps hésité avant de le prendre et ne l’ai pas inclus dans mes récompenses d’écriture pour une seule raison : l’apologie de l’eugénisme et le validisme violent contenus dedans. Je sais que je vais grincer des dents (et pas qu’un peu), mais j’avais quand même envie de découvrir l’histoire…

Un bal sous la neige
romance contemporaine
216 pages
Tout les sépare… Victoria est l’héritière d’un manoir de la campagne anglaise. Sam, le trader impulsif d’un quartier branché de Londres. Réunis par leurs familles respectives, les voici obligés de mettre leurs différends de côté, pour organiser ensemble un fastueux bal de Noël à Chiverton Hall. Un défi de taille, car le désir qui jaillit entre eux est aussi mordant que le froid qui règne dehors…

Petite commande de rattrapage en VF puisque la VO n’est plus dispo depuis belle lurette.

Northern Revenge
romance historique
219 pages

Acheter ce livre sur Amazon

Le capitaine Nightingale, un pirate connu pour ses nombreuses batailles sur les mers et craint de tous, recherche des hommes pour garnir son équipage. Il prépare sa vengeance contre son grand ennemi, l’amiral Lucio Valdès, prince de Castille. Nightingale compte bien débarrasser les océans de cet amiral espagnol aussi dangereux que puissant.
Mais une nouvelle recrue sème le doute à bord de sa frégate, le Northern Revenge. Le nouveau venu est un jeune Espagnol qui assure nourrir une rancoeur aussi grande que celle du capitaine pirate à l’encontre de l’amiral.
En ces temps de guerre et de méfiance, le capitaine Nightingale prend tout de même le risque d’avoir à son bord un jeune homme aux précieux talents d’hydrographe, même s’il semble cacher bon nombre de secrets.
Sur les mers des Caraïbes en l’année 1706, une guerre se prépare. Teintée de vengeances personnelles, elle opposera des hommes libres au courroux de l’Armada.

Traînait dans ma wishlist depuis sa sortie. J’ai décidé de l’en sortir dans une crise de shoppingnïte aiguë.

[VO] Unhooked
344 pages
For as long as she can remember, Gwendolyn Allister has never had a place to call home – all because her mother believes that monstersare hunting them. Now those delusions have brought them to London, far from the life Gwen had finally started to build for herself. The only saving grace is her best friend, Olivia, who’s coming with them for the summer.
But when Gwen and Olivia are kidnapped by shadowy creatures and taken to a world of flesh-eating sea hags and dangerous Fey. And Gwen realizes that her mom might have been sane all along.
The world Gwen finds herself in is called Neverland, yet it’s nothing like the stories. Here, good and evil lose their meaning and memories slip like water through her fingers. As Gwen struggles to remember where she came from and find a way home, she must choose between trusting the charming fairy-tale hero who says all the right things and the rogish young pirate who promises to keep her safe.
With time running out and her enemies closing in, Gwen is forced to face the truths she’s been hiding from all along. But will she be alble to save Neverland without losing herself ?

Pour avoir atteint les 15000 mots écrits depuis début Novembre.

[VO] The Wife He Needs
romance contemporaine
218 pages
But falling in love isn’t part of the plan.
The arrangement is simple : a two-week getaway, then a marriage of convenience. Until Garth Outlaw’s potential bride is a no-show. Now family pilot Regan Fairchild is sharing his bed — and he can’t get enough… even though he’s vowed never to love again. Can Regan convince him the wife he needs and the woman he desires are one and the same ?

Le résumé original m’a fait craquer direct.

[VO] The Last Resort
romantic suspense
251 pages

When Leah Keaton arrives at her family’s remote mountain resort, a group of armed insurgents are waiting to capture her. After Leah’s failed escape attempt, Spencer Wyatt, the group’s second in command, takes her under his protection. Spencer is an FBI agent deep undercover, and Leah’s presence is disrupting all his best-laid plans. But to keep her safe, he’s willing to risk his mission — and his life.

Ça c’est typiquement le genre de choses que je recherche dans du romantic suspense ^^

[VO] The Queen’s Impossible Boss
romance contemporaine
218 pages
She was bound by duty.
But oh so tempted by desire…

Switching places with her twin was supposed to give Queen Jade a couple of weeks’ escape from duty in New York. Now she has to handle a professional scandal and her sister’s impossible billionaire boss !
Alvaro Byrne knows something about his employee is different — especially the instant heat between them ! Discovering her true identity only increases temptation… because as Jade’s bound to her throne, Alvaro’s committed to his business empire. Perhaps, just for Christmas, they can explore their unrivaled connection with no paparazzi, no royal protocols — and no promises…

Un plot assez classique, mais toujours efficace, cette fois avec une pincée de Noël par dessus.

[VO] Texas Law
romantic suspense
249 pages

The woman who darts in front of Sheriff Colton O’Connor’s car one rain-lashed night is no stranger to him. But she is someone he never expected to see again. Especially not in his hometown. Now as they ride out the storm together, the widowed lawman awakens dangerous emotions in Makena Eden. As a rogue cop tracks them, the spark that was lit between Makena and Colton long ago reignites. Once the threat has passed, will they walk away — together ?

Celui-ci, j’avais hésité à le prendre pendant un moment, avant de me souvenir que ce que je ne prends pas maintenant, j’aurai du mal à mettre la main dessus dans pas si longtemps que ça.

[VO] Tempted by the Boss
romance contemporaine
215 pages
I’m in charge here.”
Kelly Prentiss needs her workaholic boss, Luke Holloway, to relax — and see her as more than his assistant. So she arranges him an island vacation — with her ! And just as she fantasized, the island heat ignites a passion that makes seduction irresistible. But once they’re home — amid a scandal about to take down his family’s company — will it be back to business as usual ?

Pour avoir feuilleté le truc, les dialogues s’annoncent savoureux. Et le gars est VRAIMENT un workaholic de première.

“I assure you, Zeke has everything under control back in the office and there’s nothing for you to check in on. That’s the whole point of relaxing.”
“I won’t be without my phone,” he insisted.

[VO] Mediterranean Fling to Wedding Ring
romance contemporaine
252 pages
A long, hot summer —
With the tycoon !

Lily has spent her whole life working to a plan. Until losing her best friend makes her realize that she’s forgotten to live. Lily’s first step is to head to her grandmother’s Croatian island property, beautiful Fire Cove. Her second is to say yes to a fling with playboy Damir ! Surely she can afford to live a little dangerously, especially now — just as long as she doesn’t fall in love…

Une lecture à garder de côté pour l’été !

[VO] Falling for Mr. Right
romance contemporaine
475 pages
Still the One

Lainey Morgan left Brevia, North Carolina, ten years ago after a devastating miscarriage, leaving Ethan Daniels at the altar. She returns to take over her mother’s beloved animal-adoption fair. Her only chance to make the event a success depends on the town veterinarian, Ethan Daniels, the first man she ever loved. Ethan has never forgotten her betrayal, but for the sake of the dogs, can they put the past behind them and find forever ?
His Proposal, Their Forever
Bailey Cole can’t believe the Broughton Inn, where she runs an art gallery and holds her painting classes, has been sold. She dislikes the handsome new owner, Justin McMillian, on sight. He wants to demolish the inn to build a new one. Not on her watch. But when they find an injured dog, Bailey sees a whole new side of him. Maybe he’s not so bad…

Cet été, j’avais chopé quelques recueils avec des doggos à pas prix…

[VO] An Unexpected Rescue
romance contemporaine
443 pages
Abby and the Bachelor Cop

Bride-to-be Abigail Callahan has her life mapped out. Good career, wealthy fiancé — it’s perfect. Then sexy bad-boy-turned-cop Raff Finn reenters Abby’s life, landing her with an adorable homeless dog called Kleppy and a whole lot of trouble. Raff’s teenage recklessness once broke them apart, but with help from Kleppy and some Banksia Bay magic, Raff plans to reawaken the Abby he’s always loved.
A Bride for the Mountain Man
Wildlife photographer Liam Daly’s solitude is shattered by a real-life Goldilocks when a blizzard strands Meredith Jensen in his remote Colorado cabin. Pampered Meredith is determined to build a new life for herself. But as the storm rages and the couple spends time together, a connection begins to form. It’s just a matter of time before they give in to the spark between them… a spark that unexpectedly makes them parents-to-be…

Vous savez à quel point j’aime quand les persos sont coincés ensemble par la neige.

[VO] Trusting the Rancher
romance contemporaine
473 pages
The Rancher Next Door

Rebecca Carrigan is determined to run an alpaca ranch in the middle of cattle country, and succeed on her own. She doesn’t need constant interference from Trevor McCabe. But Trevor is just trying to protect Rebecca from his rival, Vince Owen. He won’t let his beautiful neighbor — or the ranch she’s worked so hard for — be hurt by the vindictive Vince. The problem is convincing Rebecca that Trevor is on her side…
Winning the Rancher’s Heart
As an ex-soldier, Jaxton Stone lives by precise, regimented order… until single mom Naomi Jones arrives with her kids at the Dark Horse Ranch and complicates everything. Along with the chaos, the feisty redhead and her children bring fun back to Jax’s life. She may be his total opposite, but Jax can’t stay away from the woman who makes his ranch feel like home.

Des ALPAGAS. Rien que pour l’originalité du premier…

[VO] A Secret Arrangement
romance contemporaine
459 pages
A Convenient Proposal

Arden Burke doesn’t want a husband. The world-renowned violinist has her devoted rescue dog, Igor, for company. But she would like a child. All she has to do is be Griff Campbell’s fiancée for a few weeks. In return, the small-town Georgia vet will give Arden the baby she wants. It’s hardly the love match of the year, but they’ll both get what they need, right ?
The Secret Seduction
Lily Madsen is determined to lose her reputation as the “ice princess” of Holly Springs. She’s bet her friends that she can land a date with a visiting TV star, and all she needs is a little help from gorgeous vet Fletcher Hart. But Fletcher has promised to watch out for Lily, and he makes a secret wager of his own… The game is on ! But how far will they go to win ?

Ok j’avoue, j’ai à moitié craqué à cause de la couv.

[VO] Portrait of a Scandal
romance historique
281 pages
He has taken her to heaven, hell and back again…
Her heart and hope long since shattered, Amethyst Dalby is content with her life as an independent woman. With wealth of her own, and no one to answer to, she is free to live as she pleases.
Until a trip to Paris throws her into contact with the one man who still has a hold over her — the bitter but still devastatingly sensual Nathan Harcourt ! Living as an artist, this highborn gentleman has been brought low by scandal — and he is determined to show Amethyst that life is much more fun if you walk on the dark side….

Pourquoi on ne l’a jamais eu en VF celui-ci ?! Une romance histo avec des persos loin des convenances, Paris…

[VO] Outlaw Hunter
romance historique
282 pages
With her home burned down, her outlaw husband believed dead and five children entrusted to her care, Melody Dawson must leave the ashes of her past behind to start afresh…
Atoning for a youthful mistake, US marshal Reeve Prentis has made tracking down criminals his life’s work. His dangerous job has always demanded a solitary existence, yet escorting Melody across the Wild West has Reeve longing for change, and a family of his own !

Bon, celui-là au moins on sait pourquoi il ne traversera jamais l’Atlantique.

[VO] Taken by the Con
romantic suspense
281 pages
Her new partner in crime-fighting makes Lucia Huntington uncomfortably hot. To catch an embezzler, the beautiful FBI agent must work with ex-con Cash Stone… although they couldn’t be more different. Career-driven Lucia lives by the rules, while devilishly charming Cash gleefully bends them.
Unbeknownst to Lucia, Cash once did wrong for the right reason — his ailing son. Now he claims he’s working for the FBI to go on the straight and narrow. But as the case turns dangerous with deadly attacks, Lucia questions her trust in Cash. He’s reliable and protective, making her yearn for the passionate bond that’s always eluded her. But is their entire relationship one big con ?

Parce que le prix était tellement bas que ça aurait été bête de se priver.

[VO] The Maverick’s Bridal Bargain
romance contemporaine
234 pages
Whose wedding is it, anyway ?
Rust Creek Ramblings

Why is Cole Dalton planning a wedding ? No one even knew the ex-marine and rugged rancher was dating, and suddenly he has hired wedding planner Vivienne Shuster to coordinate his nuptials. Why has no one met his mystery bride ? We here at the Gazette believe this engagement is fake. The sparks between Cole and his “wedding planner,” however, are strictly legit. Hang on to your invites, dear readers — someone may still be walking down the aisle !

Entre ce résumé alléchant et la couverture absolument splendide, sans compter mon faible pour les histoires de wedding planner…

[VO] This Strange Witchery
paranormal romance
296 pages

All Torsten Rindle wants is to be normal. As soon as he completes his last job, he’s done with the supernatural. Then Melissande Jones sashays into his life, and Tor finds that he can’t resist this sultry sorceress. He might be able to protect her from vampires and zombies, but can he leave the paranormal world behind after Mel has bewitched him ?

L’éditeur a interrompu sa ligne de paranormal romances depuis un bon moment aussi ne reste-t-il plus grand-chose de dispo…

[VO] One Night with the Valkyrie / Enchanter Redeemed
paranormal romance
636 pages
Ancient magic and forbidden passion…
One Night with the Valkyrie

While tracking down his brother, billionaire Adam Lyon is struck dumb by a vision of a beautiful woman in armor. When this vision comes to life, Adam discovers that valiant Valkyrie Maja may be a dream come true, but their passion violates the gods’ laws. Soon the love between the CEO and the shield maiden hangs in the balance — as does the fate of the world…
Enchanter Redeemed
In the last battle for Camelot, Merlin made a terrible choice. Now he must pay the price. When a demon from his past reappears, she vows to reap her vengeance as a lover scorned. She occupies the body of Clary — the apprentice who is capturing Merlin’s heart — pushing the forbidden desire Clary and Merlin share into heated play…

… mais on trouve encore quelques trucs.

[VO] Matrimony with His Majesty
romance contemporaine
186 pages
Darrell Collier is an ordinary, small-town single mom. And when Alexandre Valleder sweeps into her life, she’s determined not to be pressured into marriage by royal command !
Alex is a good ruler and a responsible king. But one secret night, years ago, he rebelled a little. The result,as he’s just discovered, was a child. Now he has to make things right. It will shock his family and shake up the monarchy. But first he must persuade this beautiful, stubborn commoner she has the makings of a queen !

Une romance royale sortie en 2007 et apparemment jamais traduite.

[VO] Taken by Storm
romance contemporaine
218 pages
“You don’t believe in romance ?
Let me change your mind…”

Concierge Isabel Withers vows to turn The Opulence hotel into Seattle’s top romantic destination. But first she has to convince Shane Adams, her no-nonsense boss, that the project has merit. When a freak storm strands them at the hotel — leading to a night of passion — it more than demonstrates her point ! But is the self-proclaimed romance expert in over her head this time ?

La neige ou une tempête, ça reste du huis-clos.

[VO] The Virgin’s Sicilian Protector
romance contemporaine
217 pages
He’ll protect her with his life…
… and worship her with his body !
Hired to keep heiress Arianna Fitzgerald safe, wealthy bodyguard Santino Vasari was expecting to meet a pampered princess. Yet beautiful Arianna intrigues him with her hidden vulnerability, and captivates him with her spirit ! Alone in Santino’s secluded Sicilian farmhouse, they find their simmering sexual tension is electric. And when Santino discovers just how innocent Arianna is, resisting her temptation becomes an impossible challenge…

Celui-ci a été traduit. Merci d’ailleurs au résumé Fr, un peu plus emballant.

Une nouvelle fois, Arianna fait la une de la presse à scandale, à son grand désarroi. Elle a pourtant bien changé, depuis ses années de rébellion, où elle défiait sa famille en défrayant la chronique. Alors qu’elle n’aspire qu’à mener une vie normale – si tant est que cela fût possible pour une riche héritière –, voilà que son père lui assigne un nouveau garde du corps ! Un homme insupportable, nommé Santino Vasari, qui ne se donne même pas la peine de lui cacher le mépris qu’elle lui inspire…

[VO] Crown Prince’s Bought Bride
romance contemporaine
253 pages
From Cinderella waitress…
To his convenient queen !
Before taking the throne, Crown Prince Remirez Montegova has to do two things : find a wife, and resolve the royal scandal unintentionally triggered by stunning waitress Maddie Myers. Remi solves both problems by striking a deal with Maddie that she become his queen ! But his innocent new bride awakens a passion he’d thought long buried. And after their scorching wedding night, suddenly their arrangement feels anything but convenient…

Un romance royale à petit prix, moi, forcément, je prends.

[VO] Sicilian’s Bride for a Price
romance contemporaine
252 pages
She’ll be his wife…
But at what cost ?

Billionaire Dante Vittori spent years building his impeccable reputation — no easy feat following his father’s incarceration. To counter a business threat, ruthless Dante must do the unthinkable — get married ! Free-spirited heiress Alisha will do anything to save her mother’s charity — even marry the man she hates. But neither expects the intense heat between them! Suddenly the price of their marriage is more than they bargained for…

Là encore, un titre traduit chez nous, chopé à prix réduit en VO.

[VO] In Bed with His Rival
romance contemporaine
218 pages
An attraction these rivals can no longer resist.
High-powered attorney Brian Cooper has desired Piper Holloway for years. The successful gallery owner is confident, sexy — and on the other side in a legal fight between their families. But when the opportunity strikes, finally inviting Piper to his bed is nonnegotiable. When explosive secrets come to light, will their delicious but forbidden affair withstand the ultimate test ?

Une petite commande de rattrappage.

[VO] Hidden Ambition
romance contemporaine
217 pages
until desire burns away their deceptions…
Chase Hargrove is on a mission to take down the company that destroyed his family… by becoming its CEO. Loyal Black Crescent employee Haley Shaw is his unwitting secret weapon. But when Chase is blindsided by passion for her, he gets careless. With his hidden motives exposed, will he lose everything — even Haley ? Or will the tables turn when he learns she has hidden motives of her own… ?

J’avais renoncé à la prendre à sa sortie, mais à moitié prix…

[VO] Identity: Classified
romantic suspense
284 pages
Uncovering the past
May be the only way to survive

After security specialist Chloe Spencer witnesses a murder on her webcam, the killer faces the camera with a threat : return his disc, or she’s next. Unsure what he’s after, Chloe uses an alias and runs… until she lands in Sheriff Ethan Hoyt’s jurisdiction. When the killer finds her, Chloe must stand alone or trust Ethan — with the secrets of her past, her life… and her heart.

Il restait encore quelques love Inspired Suspense à choper, alors, quand j’en ai eu l’occasion…

[VO] Holiday Mountain Conspiracy
romantic suspense
217 pages
Unraveling secrets is their mission…
But the truth can be fatal.

After his last CIA assignment ended in betrayal, the covert operative known only as Ned holes up for Christmas in his remote mountain cabin, preparing to trap the men hunting him. But journalist Mary Grace Ramsey reaches Ned first, injured and determined to uncover why someone is after her and her CIA agent brother. Together, can they unravel a conspiracy that goes higher than they ever imagined ?

Ah, ces journalistes qui viennent fouiner dans les coins les plus improbables…

[VO] Killer Exposure
romantic suspense
218 pages
A killer with a secret motive…
A mother with a secret baby

Crime scene photographer Greer Montgomery didn’t expect to witness a murder at a small-town carnival — nor to be rescued by the father of her secret baby. A storm chaser, Locke Gallagher often stares down death, but he’s never known true fear until Greer’s life is at risk. But how can he protect his newly discovered family when the killer could be anyone ?

Parce que les métiers originaux des personnages sont des arguments à eux seuls.

[VO] Mountain Pursuit
romantic suspense
473 pages
Marked for murder

A mysterious caller taunts journalist Kylie Harper with details about a decade-old death. Who is he… and what does he want from her ? Ex — Delta Force captain and Kylie’s former love Nick Bentley agrees to help solve the crime, bringing him face-to-face with Kylie and the past he’s tried to forget. Now Nick must put everything on the line to save her before she becomes the next victim of a madman.
With one look in Quinn Donovan’s eyes, Wilhelma “Billie” Bronson knows the search-and-rescue volunteer has saved her life. Again. And this time her fall down a mountain is no accident. Her past has come back to haunt her, and trusting Quinn is the best way to stay alive. But when old feelings resurface, being around him is more challenging than figuring out who wants to hurt her…

Bon, quand ça se passe à la montagne hein…

[VO] Holiday Amnesia
romantic suspense
284 pages
With no memory, who can she trust ?
A deadly Christmas in Wrangler’s Corner

Robin Hardy survived an explosion in her university lab — but her memories are gone. With danger lurking behind every Christmas tree, she needs shelter from the attackers she can’t identify. She’ll trust fellow professor Toby Potter to safely hide her away. But when his secrets come between them, the truth could mean the difference between life and death this holiday season.

Celui-là c’est vraiment parce qu’il m’a coûté peanuts xD

[VO] An Amish Christmas Promise
romance contemporaine
219 pages
Secrecy kept her family safe…
Will she risk it all for a chance at love ?

Carolyn Wiebe discarded her Amish roots to hide her niece and nephew from their violent father. Yet when a hurricane crashes into their isolated Mennonite life, she can no longer keep the world at bay. With Christmas approaching, Amish carpenter Michael Miller wants to help her rebuild her home. But can their burgeoning love withstand the rising storm of her secrets ?

J’avais failli le prendre l’an passé. Du coup, une fois bradé, plus de raisons d’hésiter.

[VO] Her Amish Holiday Suitor
romance contemporaine
218 pages
A serious maedel.
A carefree bachelor…
And a Christmas Amish Country Courtshipssurprise !
Lucy Knepp has no time for heartbreaker Nick Burkholder… until a pretend courtship means she can finish her embroidery for a Christmas fund-raiser in peace. Nick’s arrangement with the too-reserved Lucy is the perfect cover while he repairs the cabin his brother damaged. But once Nick sees how vibrant Lucy really is, can he prove himself — and show their love is for all seasons ?

Du fake dating sauce Amish ? Forcément, je signe ! xD

[VO] Homespun Bride / The Briton
romance historique
571 pages
Two loyal protectors across the ages

Montana Territory in 1883 was a dangerous place — especially for a blind woman struggling through a snowstorm. When a runaway horse nearly plunged Noelle Kramer into an ice-choked river, a stranger’s sure hand saved her from certain death. Her rescuer was rancher Thad McKaslin, the man who had once loved her more than life itself. Perhaps the return of Noelle was a sign that somehow he would find his way home.
Lady Bronwen, proud inheritor of the ancient ways of the Britons, had lost everything. Widowed in war, robbed of her ancestral home, she knew her last hope was a stranger with whom she’d shared a single kiss. Jacques le Brun wanted nothing more than to protect her. But he owed fealty to the French, and the new faith they brought with them to England. Could Bronwen place her trust in this knight and follow him to a new world ?

Deux romances historiques aussi différentes que prometteuses, même si c’est surtout la première qui me tente.

[VO] The Heartbreaker Prince
romance contemporaine
187 pages
Out of the frying pan, and into…
Hannah Latimer, beautifully enigmatic socialite, has left her glamorous lifestyle behind to prove her worth by becoming an aid worker. But when she’s captured by an oppressive regime, her only means of escape is powerful and arrogant Prince Kamel of Surana. And the price ?
Marriage !
Forced to take Hannah as a bride to avoid war with a neighboring kingdom, Kamel has little patience with the pampered princess he’s bound to, but it’s his duty, and that’s something he can’t ignore ! There’s no love between them, but there must be heirs. And there will be passion…

Et une romance orientale, une !

[VO] By Invitation Only – Intégrale
218 pages
Exclusively Yours
In order to scoop the wedding story, journalist Olivia Carmichael feigns an engagement with infuriating writer Nick Greer. But getting-under-his-skin turns into getting-under-the-sheets…
Private Party
Non-hired caterer Tara Lindsey crashes the wedding to get a taste of the food, but drop-dead-sexy security chief Wade Cooper catches her in the act ! Fortunately, Tara is about to be the guest of honor at a much more exclusive party… for two.
Secret Encounter
Though a disguise gets Dr. Peyton Monahan into the celebration, it doesn’t help her find the elusive philanthropist she’s seeking to fund her latest research project. But she does find one hot gorgeous guy. Too bad Quinn Smith’s hiding a few things of his own…

Un recueil d’histoires très courtes et pimentées avec… des incrustes ! xD

[VO] Bound by One Scandalous Night
romance historique
283 pages
Marrying a stranger
On the eve of battle, Lieutenant Edmund Summerfield rescues mysterious Amelie Glenville from attack by marauding soldiers. Heady from the anticipation and uncertainty in the air, they spend the night together, but their scandalous actions have one inescapable consequence… !
The illegitimate son of an aristocrat, Edmund won’t consign his unborn child to the same fate, so he offers Amelie marriage. With a honeymoon spent weathering a storm of scandal, can these two strangers hope to turn their convenient marriage into something real ?

Celui-ci non plus, je ne comprends pas trop pourquoi il n’a pas été traduit… Bref, ça ne coûtait rien, alors je me suis laissé tenter.

[VO] Mistress at Midnight
romance historique
281 pages
The darkest hours of the night bring the deepest passions…
Haunted by rumors following her husband’s suspicious death, Aurelia St. Harlow has withdrawn from society. To secure her family’s future, there’s only one man who can help. And that man demands payment — with a kiss !
Lord Stephen Hawkhurst finds the troubled beauty impossible to resist. But Aurelia is suspected of treason and, as England’s greatest spy, Hawkhurst must uncover her every secret.
As the truth unfolds, so does their desire. Drawn together in the dark of the night, they unleash passions neither has ever experienced before….

De l’espionnage sauce historique. Ça promet !

[VO] Colorado Cowboy
romance contemporaine
219 pages
Life as a traveling physical therapist suits former army medic Ross Taylor. Two weeks in Covenant Falls, Colorado, helping out at an equine therapy program won’t change his desire for freedom. So why does it feel like the whole town is trying to get him to stay — from the veterans at New Beginnings Ranch to the scruffy little dog who adopts him ? And then there’s Susan Wall, the beautiful innkeeper he can’t stop thinking about.
For Susan, Covenant Falls is home, a safe place. Falling for a wandering man is a bad idea, no matter how much she’s drawn to him. But Ross wandered into her town. If he needs what she’s found here, she’ll try to help him find it, too… including love.

Parce que doggo.

[VO] The Sheikh’s Secret Babies
romance contemporaine
185 pages
Twin royal heirs !
Prince Jaul of Marwan’s royal duty is to marry a suitable bride. But first he must divorce the woman who betrayed him. Locating his estranged wife ? Easy. The intense passion still burning between them ? Manageable. Discovering he has two royal heirs ? Impossible !
Devastated when her handsome prince deserted her, Chrissie Whitaker’s beautiful twin babies were the only balm to her broken heart. Now Jaul will stop at nothing to claim his legitimate heirs, but can Chrissie forget their painful past and recognize him as her husband in every sense of the word ?

De mémoire, il a été traduit en français celui-là…

[VO] Salvation in the Sheriff’s Kiss
romance historique
281 pages
Back in Salvation Falls after seven years in Boston, Meredith Connolly has transformed into a sophisticated businesswoman with two goals in mind :
1. Prove her father, who died in jail, was innocent and unmask the real culprits.
2. Avoid Hunter Donovan, who broke her heart and ran her out of town.
But to achieve her first objective, Meredith will have to sacrifice her second. Because Hunter is the town’s sheriff, and that means there’s no escaping him — or the way he makes her feel !

Bon, vous avez compris depuis le temps, si vous voulez lire des romances western histo, c’est import ou rien (et encore, il en sort désormais très peu).

[VO] Scandal at the Midsummer Ball
romance historique
282 pages
Two forbidden relationships… one house party to remember !

Colonel Fergus Kennedy must make a suitable match at the Midsummer Ball. But when this officer encounters sultry acrobat Katerina Vengarov, he finds himself torn between duty… and heart-stopping, irresistible passion! 
Kael Gage is the last person at the Midsummer Ball Miss Zara Titus should speak to — and anything more is definitely off-limits ! But the notorious rake seems determined to awaken this innocent debutante’s every desire…

Un recueil à garder de côté pour la saison appropriée !

[VO] Snowbound Wedding Wishes
romance historique
281 pages
Hugo, Earl of Burnham, hates Christmas ! Snowbound in widow Emilia Weston’s cozy alehouse, with her young twins, he’s surrounded by festive preparations. Hugo’s cynical heart is in danger of being melted…. How much longer can he avoid the mistletoe ?
Leaving London to claim his newly inherited estate, Theo Dalbury finds remote Derbyshire as foreign to him as his feelings for country girl Jenna. Christmas evokes painful memories for him, but Jenna is bringing out his festive spirit… and will give him a yuletide that he’ll never forget !
Vivien Hastings is looking forward to a quiet Christmas at Oakhurst Manor, until she realizes she’ll be sharing it with Max Calderwood. It’s been years since he broke her heart, but one hot glance from his cool gray eyes shows her that she’s just as vulnerable to him as she ever was….

Je suis également parti en quête des recueils de romance historique de Noël. Tous n’étaient plus dispo, mais…

[VO] Long Summer Nights
217 pages
Get away from it all… and have it all !
Journalist Jennifer Dale is on assignment, pretending that miserable isolation in upstate New York is the greatest thing ever. The only bright spot ? The wickedly sexy recluse across the lake, who swims in the buff. Now, there’s some wildlife a gal can enjoy watching over and over and over….
When Jennifer suffers a slight boating mishap, Hot Swimming Guy comes to her rescue. Turns out Aaron Barksdale is hot enough to switch her damsel’s distress into a damsel undressed ! But Aaron is more than a hot summer night between the sheets — he’s also an award-winning author who disappeared from the public eye years ago. Revealing all could be the scoop of the century, but only if Jennifer’s willing to risk it all.

Traduit en français dans l’ancienne collection Audace.

[VO] Do-or-Die Bridesmaid
romantic suspense
247 pages

Back in his hometown for a wedding, Detective Conor Wildman reunites with his ex-girlfriend’s sister, Laura Karr, once the tomboy next door. Now Laura is a beautiful woman… and someone wants her dead. Conor is the man to protect her and catch the killer, but will one heated kiss jeopardize their precious friendship ? Or will it prove that he can trust her with his wounded heart ?

Les mariages qui tournent mal c’est bien aussi.

[VO] Stripped
paranormal romance
233 pages
Lilith St. John is a witch — really ! And she hasn’t been too good lately. (It seems using her powers to make Detective Mac Mancusi totally infatuated with her was a big no-no.Who knew ?) After all, what woman could resist having a sexy guy like Mac aching for her every minute they were apart ? But the council isn’t pleased — in fact, they’re stripping Lilith of her powers. What’s a witch to do ?
Especially now — when Mac’s suddenly back in her life, looking to rekindle the magic…

Une paranormal romance très épicée… impossible de résister ^^

[VO] The Boyfriend Arrangement
romance contemporaine
215 pages
Fake it until you make it…
to the altar ?

Instead of attending yet another friend’s wedding alone, Harper Drake asks Sebastian West — sexy, available and not a total stranger — to pose as her adoring boyfriend. With sparks flying, a little faux affection could be fun, and no one, especially Harper’s ex, will guess the truth. Except things get very hot very fast, for real… And then a blackmailer’s threats force them to reveal all their secrets !

Je n’aurais pas forcément pris s’il avait été plus cher, mais en l’état…

[VO] The King’s Captive Virgin
romance contemporaine
217 pages
A woman untouched…
Awakened by her king !
Kassie’s scandalous family has left her craving a life in the shadows, not the spotlight. Then King Giorgos Nicolaides kidnaps her, demanding information about his missing sister ! She knows nothing — but their potent attraction unlocks a desire Kassie never thought possible. A deal is struck — she will help protect his sister’s reputation, and Giorgos will introduce Kassie to the decadent pleasure only he can arouse in her…
A sensual romance of innocence awakened…

J’ai un peu chopé toutes les romances royales à 2€ qui traînaient j’avoue.

[VO] Claimed by the Sheikh
romance contemporaine
187 pages
Banished !
Princess Amber’s arranged marriage to Prince Kazim Al-Amed of Barazbin was a dream come true — for her, at least ! But then their wedding night went spectacularly wrong, and a furious Kazim banished Amber from his kingdom and his life…
Hunted !
Now, with his country in turmoil, Kazim must prove his ability to rule and provide an heir for his people. But to do so he’ll need to track down his princess.
Claimed !
Amber has always threatened Kazim’s tightly held control. Yet if he is to save his nation — and his marriage — he must finally make the ultimate claim… on his wife !

Une romance orientale fichtrement tentante ♥

[VO] A Western Christmas Homecoming
romance historique
360 pages
Three festive stories
Christmas in the Wild West !

In Christmas Day Wedding Bells by Lynna Banning, buttoned-up librarian Alice is swept away by US Marshal Rand Logan on a new adventure. Then Welles is Snowbound in Big Springs in this novella by Lauri Robinson, where he must confront Sophie and their undeclared feelings… Finally, rugged outlaw Russ rescues Abigail from spending the festive season alone in Christmas with the Outlaw by Kathryn Albright !

Parmi les romances histo de Noël que je tenais absolument à choper, il y avait les quelques recueils western encore dégottables ^^

[VO] In the Rancher’s Protection
romantic suspense
282 pages

Carrie French is escaping an abusive husband when she seeks refuge at the Double M Ranch. There, she forms a friendship with Luke Wright, a ranch hand dealing with his own tragic past. But after they end up trapped on a mountainside, on the run from Carrie’s armed ex, their deepening connection could be the only thing that saves them.

Bon, ça c’est un truc récent, une commande de rattrapage.

[VO] A Bride Fit for a Prince?
romance contemporaine
215 pages
From desire on the high seas…
To royal duty at the altar ?

Savoring his last taste of freedom, reluctant Prince Luca Fortebracci escapes to the Mediterranean on his lavish yacht. He’s destined to wear a crown and wed a flawless royal bride, so mysterious British beauty Samia is everything he shouldn’t want — but everything he craves…
Samia’s thrilled by the longing Luca awakens within her but knows a temporary fling is their only option. A future with him is impossible. For the shadows of her past make Samia wholly unsuitable to be Luca’s princess… don’t they ?

J’ai donc récupéré quelques trucs laissés de côté au moment de leur sortie…

[VO] Revelations of His Runaway Bride
romance contemporaine
219 pages
She was ready to flee
Then passion beckoned.

From the moment Thea Lambros is forced to walk down the aisle toward Christo Callas, her only thought is escape. After all, this reluctant bride is a mere pawn in her father’s dangerous game.
But when coolly brilliant Christo interrupts her getaway, Thea meets her electrifying match. Pairing her resilient spirit with his unwavering strength, her new husband unleashes an unexpected fire within her. Thea feared she was trading one jailer for another. But what if Christo is the man to finally set this caged bird free ?

Une histoire de mariage arrangé à l’air plutôt sympa ^^

[VO] Falling for the Princess
romance contemporaine
187 pages
“Strictly Business.”
It would be an engagement of convenience, nothing more. Princess Rebecca Marconi needs to stop her father from pressuring her into an arranged marriage. Logan Buchanan needs her royal influence to secure key business contracts in her European island nation. These total opposites agree to limit themselves to carefully timed public displays of affection — yet Logan’s thoughts keep straying to hot, sexy and private scenarios with his fake fiancée. Soon, the earthy Chicago millionaire has this proper princess giving him the keys to her castle… so he can unlock the pent-up passion no protocol will deny.

Une romance royale qui date un peu, que j’avais déjà failli ajouter plusieurs fois au panier.

[VO] The First Crush Is the Deepest / The Wedding Dress Diaries
romance contemporaine
297 pages
The First Crush Is the Deepest
You never forget your first…

Sam Richards was Amber DuBois’s first crush, first kiss and first love. Until he broke her heart and left town.
Now older and wiser, world-famous concert pianist Amber is at a crossroads in her life. But the sweetheart who spurned her is back — hotter, richer and in need of a favor ! Glamour, romance and old heartaches resurface, but will her first crush stand the test of time ?
The Wedding Dress Diaries
Bridal shop owner Amber Davis dreaded the moment she’d run in to Parker Robinson while working on his sister’s wedding. She’d spent every summer in the Hamptons with his family as a kid, fantasizing about kissing him. But she’s shocked to discover that the confident boy who’d given Amber her first taste of love has become a man who mocks its very existence.
Parker can’t believe the girl who used to follow him around has grown into a beautiful woman — one with some very naughty ideas when she fits him for his tux. But Amber also knows why he’s shut everyone out of his life. She’s not the kind of woman Parker gets involved with… even if he can’t keep his hands off her.
Amber doesn’t do one-night stands or casual hookups, but she’s wanted Parker long enough to make him an exception — especially if she can convince him he needs love in his life, too.

Le seul Kiss que j’ai lu pour le moment a été traduit en français dans la collection Azur et j’avais adoré. Autant dire que je ne me suis pas, fait prier pour récupérer le dernier de la gamme à traîner en neuf (et à moins de 2€, qui plus est).

[VO] Reckless Pleasures
romance contemporaine
216 pages
Six months apart is a long time. For security expert Megan McGowan, it feels like forever since she’s felt the strong arms of Darius Folsom around her. Since Dari’s military deployment six months ago, every minute apart is another minute that Megan finds herself tempted….
Bad boy Jason Savage is Dari’s best friend — and a partner in the new private security firm Dari and Megan have formed. Only as Megan and Jason work closely together on an emotionally charged case, the attraction between them goes from hot to nuclear meltdown.
But even as Megan’s libido screams « Oh, yes ! » she wonders if it’s possible to love one man — and give in to her hunger for another….

Des militaires pas très disciplinés. Why not ?

[VO] Heir to a Dark Inheritance
romance contemporaine
190 pages
They say that Alik Vasin’s heart is carved from the hardest diamond and the coldest ice…
Alik is powerful, ruthless and incapable of love. But when he discovers he has a daughter, nothing will stop him from claiming the child as his own.
Jada Patel will do whatever it takes to keep little Leena in her life, even if it means a convenient marriage. Though there can never be a future between them, resisting the powerful Alik is impossible.
Jada thought she’d known desire, but catapulted into Alik’s glittering world, she discovers an all-consuming, intoxicating passion that could melt even the coldest of hearts.

Sorti il y a des plombes en VO, tout juste traduit chez nous.

[VO] The Sheikh’s Secret Heir
romance contemporaine
184 pages
She’s about to have the sheikh’s baby !
Tasked with entertaining a mysterious billionaire, Bajul diplomat Kira Darzin never expects her assignment to extend to the bedroom. But one look into Tarek Azzmar’s smoldering eyes and she’s helpless to resist. Now her unplanned pregnancy — and Tarek’s secret identity — threaten the royal family she holds dear…
The illegitimate son of Bajul’s former king, Tarek vows revenge on the father who rejected him. And Kira is a complication he can’t afford — no matter how the sultry beauty challenges him. But when the truth about his past is revealed, will Tarek lose Kira and his unborn child for good ?

Encore une romance orientale et oui, je les ai méticuleusement traquées xD

[VO] Innocent’s Champion
romance historique
281 pages
To win a knight’s protection
When Gilan, Comte de Cormeilles, dodges an arrow aimed straight for his head, the last person he expects to be holding the bow is a beautiful, courageous woman… Despite her innocence, Matilda of Lilleshall is no simpering maiden. She’ll stop at nothing to protect her land.
Believing he’d never again feel anything but guilt after his brother’s death, Gilan must now confront the undeniable desire Matilda incites. Can he throw off his past and fight to become the champion she needs ?

Celui-ci aussi a été traduit, ceci dit, il coûtait bien moins cher en VO.

[VO] Craving Her Enemy’s Touch
romance contemporaine
185 pages
The only man she hates…
Captivating king of the racing circuit, Sandro Roselli might send Charlotte Warrington’s pulse into overdrive, but he’s also hiding something about her brother’s death. Sandro has offered her a job, but Charlotte will make sure she’s in the driver’s seat to uncover his secret.
Is the only man she can’t resist !
Yet life in the fast lane with Sandro is dangerous. As Charlotte’s craving for his touch intensifies, she begins to lose herself in his intoxicating world. The irresistible Italian is driving her senses crazy, but can their heady affair survive the dark truth he hides ?

Évidemment, j’ai pris parce que ça parlait de sports mécaniques.

[VO] Caught in His Gilded World / Christmas at the Chatsfield
romance contemporaine
237 pages
Caught in His Gilded World
The show must go on…

For burlesque dancer Gigi Valente, L’oiseau Bleu is not just a cabaret club or a job… it’s the only home she’s ever known. She won’t let new owner Khaled Kitaev destroy it, even if her body trembles in his magnificent presence…
Though he admires her passion, Khaled believes Gigi is just another gold digger. But when her attempts to get his attention are caught on camera, the powerful Russian must usher Gigi into his world.
With Gigi at his side, Khaled’s womanizing reputation is down and his stock is up ! But how long can he keep this free-spirited bird in his gilded cage ?
Christmas at the Chatsfield
It was as if she was made for him. Sensual curves wrapped in a crimson silk gown, long dark hair trailing down her back in waves, and her exquisite features partially hidden beneath a golden mask. The only present that Nico Katsaros could ever want. But it was her eyes that held Nico in thrall. The eyes of his soon to be ex-wife.
When an unexpected meeting at The Chatsfield, New York’s charity gala brings Lucy back into his life, Nico is determined not to be denied his one winter wish — to have his wife in his bed and back on his arm in time for Christmas !

Le premier a l’air tellement cool.

[VO] Wild West Christmas
romance historique
288 pages

Two years ago, Dillen Roach fell for wealthy debutante Alice Truett. Now she’s at his door with his orphaned nephews in tow! Could Alice be the perfect Christmas gift for this solitary rancher ?
Kathleen Seridan is determined to leave the tragedy of her past behind her — including brooding cowboy Garrett. But with Christmas magic in the air, can she resist the warmth of his touch ?
Gale McBurney is an utter mystery to rich « city girl » Lilah Cornwell. But to make Smoke River her home by Christmas, she’ll have to let this rugged cattleman take the reins….

Toujours plus de romances histo western de Noël.

[VO] The Italian’s Christmas Housekeeper
romance contemporaine
219 pages
From making the billionaire’s bed…
To Christmas between his sheets !
Shy housekeeper Molly Millar always tries her best. She’s anxious to impress outrageously wealthy houseguest Salvio de Gennaro, but instead is unfairly criticized by her employer ! When she’s found sobbing by Salvio, he comforts her… with the most amazing experience of her life. But when that incredible encounter costs Molly her job, Salvio rescues her with an irresistible proposition : become his temporary housekeeper — just in time for Christmas !

Bon, d’habitude les histoires à la Cendrillon c’est pas trop mon truc, mais il m’a coûté moins d’un euro.

[VO] Western Christmas Brides
romance historique
283 pages
Christmas in the Wild West
Three heartwarming stories
In A Bride and Baby for Christmas by Lauri Robinson, pregnant Hannah Olsen has made a list of Oak Grove’s eligible men. Teddy White isn’t on it ! Time for him to act ! In Miss Christina’s Christmas Wish by Lynna Banning, a new teacher is hoping for a holiday miracle in the form of Ivan Panovsky… And could A Kiss from the Cowboy help Livy find happiness with Kitson James in this festive story by Carol Arens ?

Évidemment je les mets de côté pour un mois de Décembre.

[VO] A Scandalous Midnight in Madrid
romance contemporaine
216 pages
Her body awakened…
By Madrid’s most eligible bachelor
Chef Sadie Montgomery’s life is changed forever by an intense moonlit encounter in Madrid with infamous Alejandro de Alegon. The sizzling anticipation he sparks tempts virgin Sadie all the way to his Spanish castle… and into his bed ! She’s never known anything like the wild passion Alejandro unleashes. But their night of illicit pleasure soon turns Sadie into Spain’s most scandalous headline : Pregnant with Alejandro’s Baby !

Bradé finalement très peu de temps après sa sortie…

[VO] Claiming the Royal Innocent
romance contemporaine
187 pages
When Aleksandra Dimitriou is revealed as the secret daughter of Akathinia’s former king, she’s torn from her comfortable existence and thrust into the royal world… under the protection of Aristos Nicolades.
Aristos has orders not to touch the innocent princess, but beautiful Aleksandra calls to the rebellious urges that the self-made Greek tycoon thought he overcame long ago.
Forever ?
As the heat of their desire rises, the rules begin to evaporate. It’s soon clear that the person Aristos should be protecting Aleksandra from is himself !

Une romance royale, une princesse qui s’ignore…

[VO] An Alaskan Proposal
romance contemporaine
377 pages
Can he teach her survival skills —
without endangering his heart?

When Sabrina Bell taps Leith Jordan for a crash course in conquering the great Alaskan outdoors, he figures he’s on safe ground. They’re polar opposites and his spectacular home state’s just a pit stop for the hotshot fashionista. So no one’s more surprised than Leith when he starts falling for her. Now he’s a man with a plan : get Sabrina to fall in love with Alaska… and, hopefully, with him.

Des persos diamétralement opposés, l’Alaska… forcément, je signe direct ♥

[VO] The Sheikh’s Princess Bride
romance contemporaine
191 pages
Wanted : royal bride and mother
For Sheikh Tariq of Al-Sharath, one miserable marriage was enough. With a kingdom to rule, he has no time — or wish — to find a bride, but his children need a mother.
Could Princess Samira of Jazeer be the answer ? Samira has sampled passion, and it left a bad taste. With the knowledge she can’t have the children she’s always wanted, Samira steps into Tariq’s ready-made family. Her only condition ? No sex !
Samira thought royal duties and her love for Tariq’s children would fill the hole in her heart, but a craving is building that only the sheikh’s touch can cure…

Très récemment traduit en français.

[VO] Lethal Legacy
romantic suspense
221 pages
Someone wants her family secrets buried
He’s her only chance to survive

Andrea Wheaton thought her parents’ tragic deaths were accidental — until she’s attacked during a burglary at their home. Now she’s also being targeted. Her ex-sweetheart Sheriff Deputy Bryce Caldwell insists on protecting her, though she refuses to trust him again. But with a killer closing in, can she and Bryce uncover her family’s secrets before it’s too late for them both ?

Une histoire de vieux secrets vraiment prometteuse ^^

[VO] Exclusively Yours
romance contemporaine
221 pages
Eight weeks is only the beginning…
The moment Leila Amis meets her gorgeous new boss, top Miami Realtor Nicolas Adrian, she’s headed down a road of no return. When their explosive attraction culminates in a night of intense passion, she proposes a brief fling that must end when Nick leaves town in just eight weeks. But on the eve of his departure, he turns the tables… and their clandestine affair ends in bitter regret.
A year later, Nick still feels the pain of Leila’s rejection after he asked her to move to Manhattan with him, only to have her vanish from his life. Now he’s back with an irresistible offer in the magical city where Leila runs her own boutique real estate agency. As they give in to long-suppressed desire, Nick’s plan to win her back is threatened by a professional rivalry. With even more at stake this time around, can he seal the deal and make Leila his forever ?

A une époque pas si lointaine, il existait une collection de romances ownvoices chez Harlequin US. Et en plus les résumés donnent GRAVE ENVIE.

[VO] The Flaw in His Marriage Plan
romance contemporaine
219 pages
A match made for revenge…
Or redemption ?

Family is everything to tycoon Vincenzo. The man who ruined his mother’s life will pay, and Vincenzo has planned the perfect revenge. He’ll wed his enemy’s adopted daughter : Alessandra. The flaw in his plan ? Their fiery attraction… and his need to protect her.
Supermodel Alessandra is used to men wanting her for her fame. What she’s not used to is a man wanting to know the real her. Alessandra trusts that Vincenzo is that man. But to have her, the Italian must stop his quest for vengeance…

J’avais beaucoup aimé l’extrait… et donc passé une commande de rattrapage.

[VO] His Innocent’s Passionate Awakening
romance contemporaine
215 pages
Untouched and unawakened… until the charming Italian’s proposal !
Rather than lose her beloved estate to ultrarich playboy Luca Ferrantelli, Artemisia agrees to wed him… on paper. Traumatized by a devastating accident, the heiress hasn’t left the castello in years. She knows nothing of the world outside — nothing of a man’s touch.
If there’s a chance that marrying Artie will give his grandfather the will to live, Luca must do it. But he’s determined to resist the addictive pull of Artie’s vibrancy and vulnerability. Until their scorching wedding kiss stirs the beauty to sensual new life !

Parce que l’héroïne est agoraphobe et qu’un peu de représentation ne fait pas de mal. J’espère que ça aura été bien traité ou vous m’entendrez gueuler…

[VO] My Shocking Monte Carlo Confession
romance contemporaine
218 pages
One night in Monte Carlo…
Now I’m about to change the playboy’s life — forever !

He’s Monaco racing royalty and I, Belle Simpson, was his housekeeper. But that evening, Alexi Galanti’s searing blue gaze exhilarated me. Neither of us could think about anything beyond our desire for one another…
Now, five years later, I finally have the chance to reveal my scandalous secret — Alexi’s a father ! Even though he’s scarred by his parents’ abandonment, I know Alexi will never desert his son. But falling for him would be a dangerous mistake, even if I’ve never stopped yearning for his touch !

Monaco et course autooooooo !

[VO] Kidnapped for His Royal Heir
romance contemporaine
216 pages
From royally seduced…
To prisoner in paradise !
Prince Zakary allows himself no weaknesses. His kingdom paid the price of a ruler’s debauchery once before, but never again. The only threat to Zak’s ruthless self-control is his red-hot attraction to untouched heiress Violet ! And when she’s transferred to his company, it’s not long before their unstoppable chemistry consumes them both — with lasting consequences !
To secure his legacy, Zak demands Violet meet him at the altar. And when she refuses ? This powerful prince will keep Violet a willing captive on his private Caribbean island until she says, “I do !”

Romance royale et île tropicale ? Je prends.

[VO] Shy Queen in the Royal Spotlight
romance contemporaine
216 pages
She didn’t see her own beauty… Then he unmasked it !
Royal assistant Hester knows playboy Prince Alek is totally out of her league. Shockingly, out of the blue, he proposes a marriage of convenience ! In return, she’ll have millions to help disadvantaged women. Warily, Hester agrees…
To retain the throne he’s sacrificed everything for, Alek must choose a bride. It’s Hester’s quiet discretion that catches his attention… until their unstoppable chemistry reveals her startling beauty and inner fire. Alek sees the queen that Hester could truly become — but the real question is, can she ?

J’attends toujours une romance où l’héroïne est VRAIMENT moche et non pas une belle-qui-s’ignore mais on prend quand même hein.

[VO] Claiming His Out-of-Bounds Bride
romance contemporaine
216 pages
No marriage ? No merger.
They had only one option.

He’d denied his attraction while she’d been promised to his brother. So when Olivia Jennings is jilted days before her elaborately planned wedding, Alessandro Sartori offers himself as groom. Their families will get the merger they want. And he’ll finally get the bride he craves.
Orphan Olivia has always felt invisible. But the desire she discovers with her unexpected husband makes her feel seen for the very first time. Theirs is a paper marriage, but what will become of them if they choose to make their vows real ?

Ça a l’air assez mignon en fait.

[VO] Innocent Target
romantic suspense
282 pages
To clear her father’s name…
she’ll risk her life

Nothing can stop journalist Kitty Linklater from proving her father was wrongfully convicted of murder — especially not a killer who wants to silence her. With the town turned against Kitty, Chief Deputy Ryan Lawrence isn’t convinced of her father’s innocence, but he’s sure she’s in danger. And he’ll put his heart and job on the line to save her life… even if it costs his own.

Me faisait de l’oeil depuis que j’avais découvert la gamme, avec sa jolie couverture…

[VO] To Tempt a Stallion
romance contemporaine
218 pages
Second-chance romance
Orthopedic surgeon Nathaniel Stallion is ready to put down his scalpel to pursue his real dream — opening a restaurant in Carmel, California. He’s even hired a top-notch marketing guru to ensure his success. But Rebecca “Bec” Marks isn’t the unassuming buddy he remembers from college. This Bec is confident and wreaking all kinds of havoc on his libido. Now his best friend’s sexy curves have him thinking less about a publicity strategy and more about carnal seduction…
Bec has had eyes for Nathaniel from day one. And regardless of Nathaniel’s naivety to her not-so-innocent schoolgirl crush, her ardor for the tempting newly crowned restaurateur remains intact. This time around she’s determined to win his heart for good. But when a rival beauty and Bec’s meddling ex-fiancé threaten her romantic plans, she’ll pull out all the stops to convince this Stallion that his soul mate has been right in front of him all along.

Je l’avais repéré dans les Harlequin pas chers depuis un loooong moment, alors j’ai fini par craquer.

[VO] Christmas with the Billionaire / A Tiara for Christmas
romance contemporaine
440 pages
Despite her family’s billions, Samira Ansah is climbing the corporate ladder on her own. She needs to buy a lucrative property owned by bestselling author Emerson Lance Miller. The sexy recluse isn’t selling, but when he assumes she’s his new assistant, Samira plays along to get closer. There’s nothing fake about the sizzling attraction between these two opposites. But revealing the truth could close the book on their future…
Kimber Reyes has been good all year — and she’s ready to be a little naughty. Back in Southwood, Georgia, to help her aunt with a beauty pageant, she’s reconnecting with former bad boy Dario Crowne. Her other mission : track down the mysterious designer of beautiful pageant tiaras. Dario is guarding secrets — and his heart. But unless he reveals both, the perfect Christmas gift might slip through his fingers…

On n’a jamais assez de romances de Noël chez soi.

[VO] A Billionaire Affair
romance contemporaine
216 pages
Love is the ultimate power play
Alessandra Dalmount has been groomed since birth to assume the joint reins of her father’s empire. Now that day has arrived, forcing her to not only abandon her own career goals, but work closely with co-CEO and childhood nemesis Alek Ansah. As they battle for control of the billion-dollar conglomerate, Alessandra fights her attraction to the international playboy that could sabotage her professional future.
Although he pursued other dreams, Alek must honor his late father’s request or risk losing his shares of the Ansah Dalmount Group. But the shy girl he knew has matured into a sophisticated businesswoman he can’t resist. And at a private island resort, he and Alessandra end up making love, not war. Then a shocking revelation erodes her trust… and a breaking scandal could leave only one standing. Can they turn their intense rivalry into a blueprint for success that includes a permanent alliance of love ?

La couv fait super cheap et ne rend pas justice au plot où intérêts perso et professionnels se mêlent…

[VO] Love for All Time
romance contemporaine
219 pages
The TV star he admired from a distance —
just descended on his beach town…

Sapphire Shores is rolling out the red carpet for Sierra Dandridge, aka the Ice Queen. But real estate scion Campbell Monroe finds nothing cold about the worldly beauty. Their sizzling desire culminates in an intimate affair neither wants to end. Until a younger actress’s vicious social media campaign threatens Sierra’s career, and her life…

… à l’inverse, celle-ci est si douce. ♥ (Oui, j’ai craqué à cause de la couv)

[VO] Tempting the Beauty Queen
romance contemporaine
219 pages
From beauty queen… to bride ?
If Kenzie Swayne didn’t require a date for a string of upcoming weddings, she’d turn Ramon Torres’s offer down flat. The gorgeous entrepreneur stood her up once, unwilling to let emotion interfere with his ambition. Ramon needs Kenzie’s expertise for a new business venture, so he agrees to escort her. But when secrets from their pasts are revealed, can Ramon make Kenzie his — forever ?

Chopé à bas prix mais arrivé très abîmé, j’étais déçu.

[VO] Road to Forever / A Love of My Own
romance contemporaine
441 pages
Happily single boudoir photographer Aaliyah Bai can’t believe she’s on a trip from Miami to California wine country with the most uptight man she’s ever met. Until all-business VP Bryant Burrstone reveals his sensual side. Soon they’re sharing more than merlot and breathtaking scenery. Now Aaliyah faces a life-changing decision, and Bryant’s future in his family wine company is on the line. Will they ever arrive at a final destination called love ?
Poised to take over his family’s Sacramento construction business, Lorenzo Hunter doesn’t do casual flings. Until he meets the Chicago-born owner of Scentillating Touch. Desiree Scott offers a world of pampering, and Lorenzo is tempted to indulge. Horse-drawn carriage rides lead to passion-filled nights that raise the bar for them both. Can Lorenzo and Desiree battle personal and professional threats and claim a love that’s theirs alone ?

C’est surtout le road-trip de la première histoire qui m’a fait craquer…

[VO] It Must Be Love
romance contemporaine
216 pages
Rules Were Made to Be Broken
Jewel Chandler’s list of boyfriend requirements is extensive — and Sterling Bishop doesn’t meet any of them. Sure, the wealthy businessman is gorgeous, but he also has an ex-wife and a young daughter. Sterling knows he’s the only man for Jewel, and the sexy heiress’s efforts to keep him away only fuels his determination. When steamy days melt into desire-fueled nights, Jewel wonders if he’s truly the one for her.

Ça a l’air tout choupi.

[EN] The Nutcracker and the Four Realms
316 pages
When Clara Stahlbaum recieves a beautiful yet mysterious egg-shaped box from her later mother, she wonders what it means. Searching for answers, Clara soon finds herself in a magical world – the Four Realms – where she meets a host of colorful and curious new friends and discovers the fascinating link between the Realms and her dear mother. But as soon as she learns that the Realms are in danger of being destroyed, Clara vows to help.
Years earlier, Clara’s mother, Marie, is a lonely orphan adoptedby an eccentric inventor. She stumbles upon an unbelievable place and decides to apply her mechanical skills in magical ways. But as time passes, Marie finds she must make a choice between the real world and this magical world of her dreams.

J’avais prévu de le lire avant Noël. Puis le colis a eu du retard, et… râpé pour cette année.

[VO] Mistletoe Kiss with the Heart Doctor
romance contemporaine
255 pages
Can just one kiss…
… really change her life — forever ?

When Dr. Elsa McCrae rescues a mortified Dr. Marcus Pierce from a fall into an underground cave, planning the usual Christmas party for her local community has to take a back seat ! As she’s forced to accept Marc’s offer of help during the busy holiday season, the charming cardiologist soon has Elsa fighting to protect her heart, knowing he’ll return to the city as soon as the festivities are over…

Le dernier colis de précos d’Amazon, donc.
J’avais craqué pour cette histoire de Noël toute douce, de malchance et de petite ville.

[VO] A Nurse, a Surgeon, a Christmas Engagement
romance contemporaine
254 pages
From emergency wedding date…
To happily-ever-after ?

Nurse Lena has serious doubts about playboy surgeon Dex’s request that she be his emergency date to his brother’s wedding… But when he offers to be her fake boyfriend in return to meet her family obligation, she reluctantly agrees. Maybe it’s the heady spirit of the season — or a Christmas miracle ! — but Dex surprises Lena at every turn. Could he be the man she swore she never wanted ?

Fake dating, Noël…

[VO] Christmas Under the Northern Lights
romance contemporaine
254 pages
One Christmas on a Scottish island…
A lifetime together ?

After her fiancé’s shocking betrayal, district nurse Audrey Walsh hopes to escape Christmas on remote Bourtree Island ! Instead, she’s met by a gorgeous man in a Santa suit — Dr. Cooper MacAskill ! They’re stuck working — and living — together till New Year, both with their demons to face. Except their inconvenient attraction and the warmth of this island community offer them healing and happiness — if they have the courage to take it !

Noël, l’Écosse, et des persos coincés ensemble. Vous voulez quoi de plus ? xD

[VO] A Cowboy’s Christmas Carol
romance contemporaine
283 pages
It’s the holiday season in Bronco, but for tour operator Evan Cruise, Ôtis only the season for making money. Haunted by his past, he refuses to celebrate the festivities around him — until he meets Daphne Taylor. As the owner of the local animal sanctuary challenges Evan’s resistance to yuletide spirit, their attraction grows into something deeper. But when Daphne uncovers Evan’s shocking family secret, it threatens to tear them apart. Will a little Christmas magic change everything ?

… Forcément, toutes les romances de Noël arrivent à la bourre, du coup.

[VO] The Maiden and the Mercenary
romance historique
282 pages
Keep your friends close…
But your enemies closer?
In order to find a legendary treasure map, mercenary Louve of Mei Solis must infiltrate his enemy’s fortress under the guise of a servant. There, Louve meets beautiful maiden Biedeluue, a fellow servant with her own hidden agenda… to save her sister from the malevolent lord’s clutches ! Their high-stakes missions may be at odds with one another, but their attraction cannot be denied even in this most dangerous of situations…

AH. CELUI-LA. Celui-là c’est tout simplement une des précos que j’attendais avec le plus d’impatience ce mois-ci !!!

[VO] An Heir Claimed by Christmas
romance contemporaine
218 pages
She can’t deny him his heir…
… but she won’t surrender her heart !

Dimitrios Papandreo once spent a desperate, passionate night with Annie Hargreaves. Knowing he couldn’t offer the happily-ever-after she deserved, he’s been trying to forget her ever since… until he’s told she’s raising their son !
Annie’s speechless when Dimitrios arrives on her doorstep, declaring he knows her secret. He’ll accept nothing less than marriage to claim his child! That means moving to Singapore and facing their electrifying connection… Can Annie walk down the aisle this Christmas, knowing Dimitrios might never be capable of loving her ?

… celui-là, c’est L’AUTRE que j’attendais de pied ferme, Singapour oblige.

[VO] Toxin Alert
romantic suspense
248 pages

Following a deadly anthrax attack, TCD’s biological weapons expert Carly Welsh springs into action. Problem is, the Amish trust no one — especially not an FBI special agent. That’s where Noah Miller comes in. Even though the rancher left the fold decades ago, the community trusts him… and so does Dr. Welsh. But even their combined courage and smarts might not be enough against sinister forces that want them both to perish.

EN-FIN. J’ai bien cru qu’il n’arriverait jamais chez moi, depuis le temps, mais le voilà, le dernier jour de l’année.

Les tomes de séries suivies mais pas-encore-commencées
(sur lesquels j’ai donc pas grand-chose à dire)

[VO] Revolution : a Driven World novel
romance contemporaine
397 pages
Peut être lu comme un one-shot

Acheter ce livre sur Amazon

No tits in the pits !
I’d heard it all before — all the ways I didn’t belong — and it never stopped me. Until a well-deserved punch to a fellow driver banned me from NASCAR for the season. Now, my only chance to drive is at the Indianapolis 500—the most prestigious race in the country.
And I’m the only woman competing.
Unfortunately, my contract didn’t mention the suffocating publicity nor the abrasive mechanic building the car.
Garret Gallagher guards many secrets behind his callous attitude — how much he dislikes me isn’t one of them.
That’s fine with me. I can’t stand him either.
In my world, nothing matters except power and speed and proving myself.
Until him. UNTIL US.
As obstacles unfold and secrets unravel, suddenly I’m fighting for more than the finish line.
They say revolutions begin with a single spark.
One driver on the track. One desire that can’t be stopped.
But in a revolution driven by love,

Pour avoir atteint 7900 mots écrits depuis début Novembre.
Ça se passe dans l’univers de Driven mais peut se lire indépendamment.

[VO] Carribean Chronicles, tomes 3 et 4
185 / 164 pages

La série poursuit sa route. A noter que le 4 n’est pas auto-conclusif.

[VO] Christmas at the Harrington Park Hotel, tome 3 – Stolen Kiss with Her Billionaire Boss
romance contemporaine
252 pages
Peut être lu comme un one-shot
Christmas has arrived…
And she’s spending it with her boss !

New Yorker Erin is intrigued when Hugo Harrington asks for her help on a hotel renovation in London, just weeks before Christmas! But Erin soon discovers how personal this project is to her brooding boss. Watching him wrestle with the memories of his past uncovers a side to Hugo she’s never seen. And then a stolen snowbound kiss changes everything…

A la base, je n’avais pas prévu de le prendre, mais puisque j’ai craqué pour les deux autres…


[VO] The Mortal Instruments – The Dark Artifices – Intégrale
2253 pages
In a kingdom by the sea…
In a secret world where half-angel warriors are sworn to fight demons, parabatai is a sacred word. A parabatai is your partner in battle. A parabatai is your best friend. Parabatai can be everything to each other – but they can never fall in love.
Emma Carstairs is a warrior, a Shadowhunter. She lives for battle. Alongside her parabatai, Julian Blackthorn, she patrols Los Angeles, where vampires party on the Sunset Strip, and faeries – the most powerful of supernatural creatures – teeter on the edge of war with Shadowhunters. When the bodies of humans and faeries are found murdered in the same way Emma’s parents were when she was a child, an uneasy alliance is formed. This is Emma’s chance for revenge and Julian’s chance to get back his brother Mark, who is being held by the Faerie Court. All they have to do is solve the murders within two weeks… and before the murderer strikes again.
Their search takes Emma from sea caves full of sorcery to a dark lottery where death is dispensed. And each clue she unravels uncovers more secrets. What has Julian been hiding from her all these years ? Why does Shadowhunter Law forbid parabatai to fall in love ? Who really killed her parents – and can she bear to know the truth ?

Je me suis séparé du tome 1 en français pour suivre l’intégralité de la série en VO.

Mon herbier à colorier
72 pages

Acheter ce livre sur Amazon

Pour votre plus grand plaisir, les éditions Larousse ont ouvert leurs archives et ont sélectionné près de 40 planches de fleurs sauvages. Feuillages graphiques, fleurs délicates, tiges aériennes, nuances de verts, colorations automnales…
À vous désormais de colorier ou peindre ces planches comme vous le souhaitez.
Chaque page est prédécoupée pour faciliter la mise en couleurs et pourquoi pas, encadrer vos œuvres  !
À vos crayons et pinceaux !

C’est joli, maiiiiiis… on sent que l’effort minimum a été fourni, aussi bien niveau conception des dessins que maquette.

[VO JP] Twisted Wonderland Fan Book
129 pages
ディズニーが贈る、話題沸騰のヴィランズ学園アドベンチャーゲーム『ディズニー ツイステッドワンダーランド』。魔法の鏡に導かれ、異世界「ツイステッドワンダーランド」に召喚されてしまった主人公と、ヴィランズの魂を持つ個性的なキャラクターたちが魔法士養成学校を舞台に織りなすストーリー。 知れば知るほどおもしろい、インスパイア元のディズニー作品の解説や、ファンを魅了してやまない世界観、キャラクターの紹介も見ごたえたっぷり。プロローグから4章までのメインストーリーを紹介するほか、キャラクターのボイスキャストや音楽を担当する作曲家へのインタビュー、グッズ、ディズニーファン編集部が独自に探究したトリビアも掲載。 読めばゲームがもっと楽しくなるうえに、ディズニーの多彩な世界についても知ることができる、スペシャルな一冊です。 ゲームのファンはもちろん、ディズニー作品のファンも必見の愛蔵版。 〈内容〉 ◇「ツイステッドワンダーランド」の世界観を解説! ◇登場キャラクターを各寮ごとに紹介。教師など、学園関係キャラクターも。 ◇ゲームのインスパイア元となったディズニーアニメーション作品の紹介 ◇ボイスキャスト、作曲家の特別インタビュー ◇4章までのストーリーを紹介 ◇グッズコレクション ◇編集部の独自リサーチをレポート ◇キービジュアルや寮生たちのカードイラスト ◇特製ピンナップ

… J’avoue, je me suis fait avoir, comme tout le monde, par le chara-design de Twisted Wonderland.

[VO JP] Twisted Wonderland Magical Archives
223 pages

… et donc, j’ai eu les deux artbooks sous le sapin.

Sekigahara – La plus grande bataille de samouraïs
282 pages

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À l’automne 1600, Tokugawa Ieyasu, l’un des plus fascinants personnages de l’histoire du Japon, sort vainqueur de la plus grande bataille de samouraïs jamais livrée. L’enjeu est de taille, rien de moins que pacifier et unifier l’empire sous sa bannière.
Avant de parvenir à engranger les dividendes de la paix, il aura pourtant fallu tout risquer une ultime fois sur le tapis vert des rizières de Sekigahara, mince vallée sise en plein cœur de l’archipel. La suprême querelle se vide au matin du 21 octobre 1600, mettant aux prises les meilleurs capitaines et les plus vaillants champions de leur temps. Épreuve du gigantisme, près de 170000 combattants s’y sont taillés en pièces, laissant 30000 d’entre eux sur le carreau. Il faudra attendre l’épopée napoléonienne pour voir se lever des effectifs similaires sous nos latitudes. À la charnière de deux siècles que tout oppose, Sekigahara bruit également du chant du cygne qu’entonnent malgré eux les guerriers de jadis. À l’issue de la bataille, le temps des seigneurs de guerre, des samouraïs cuirassés et des citadelles touche à sa fin.

A la base commandé comme ça auprès de la librairie locale, j’ai eu la surprise de le recevoir dans un magnifique papier cadeau. Ma mère l’a immédiatement confisqué pour le coller sous le sapin.

Côté photo…

Je n’ai fait que deux shootings, le premier en début de mois…

Celle-ci servira de couverture pour mon dernier projet !

… puis la classique photo de Noël :

Côté dolls…

Trois nouvelles à Noël, deux mises de côté par mes soins, et Taohua, une exclu Azone Direct Store commandée pour l’occasion.

Le 14, Merrow, l’un de mes chouchous, a passé son 7e anniversaire. Pour l’occasion, j’ai pris une photo à l’arrache… retouchée à l’arrache… pour un résultat très convaincant !

Merrow – Birthday Boi, sur MFC

Des shootings d’arrivée, seul celui de Mint est à peu près potable.

Côté dessin…

J’ai peint des flocons qui briiiillent ! ♥

Quand Tim a posté son concept de maison hantée en T, j’ai immédiatement surenchéri avec une maison hanTHÉe :

J’ai aussi peint une branche d’if. Mais foiré les boules, d’où le bout de papier pour planquer ça.

Un test avec les aquarelles métallisées de Noël :

About the author

Svet Mori
Auteur de romance fantasy et paranormal romance, photographe, brodeur, buveur de Monster. Au service et à la merci d'une lapine bouffeuse de futals nommée Myrtille, collectionne entre autres les livres, les dolls et la poussière.


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